Problem School dropout is a national problem that requires to combine all efforts to find effective solutions For students who drop out. In addition to the role played by the Ministry of Education in thisarea. Also required of official institutions, specifically the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and Civil society organizations to develop a national action plan for the rehabilitation of dropouts who mostly Reverted to illiteracy through the following:
1. Expanding the spread of vocational education centers In all provinces of the country and providing facilities and bonuses for students enrolled.
2. Diversify vocational education programs to keep pace with the needs of the labor market.
3. Follow Graduates by providing a form of communication between them and the producers in the labor market To facilitate the employment and rehabilitation with new jobs that attend them.
4. Develop Legislation and laws set minimum wage and develop a mechanism for oversight and implementation to prevent the exploitation Labor.
5. Encourage the private sector, which runs cultural centers Diversify its programs to cope with the labor market with the supervision of these centers in terms of its rehabilitative programs Provided by the level and method of performance and follow-up of its graduates ... etc..
6. Expanding spread Literacy centers for dropouts who reverted to illiteracy and provide vocational education commensurate with Abilities.
wasting teachers