Treatment of vaginal infection at home.. Do not wear panties to provide good ventilation of the vagina. Good drying of the genital area after a shower

1 - must  heave your spirits and improve your mental. 
2 - fat wall of the vagina in a little yogurt between the period and the other. 
3 - After completing of urination national clean vagina from front to back with warm water.
4 - When you go to bed or while seated in the House preferably between the period and the other not to wear trousers Interior to provide good ventilation of the vagina and not be moisture and thus inhibit the growth of bacteria.
 5 - Try to wear underwear made ​​of cotton only. 
6 - you bring a glass of water and two drops gauze My Thblla would then Wipes the vagina with a note that they are not repeated more than once a week. 
7 - When cleaning the vagina Use only children non-perfumed soap. 
8 - After bathing make sure good drying of the genital area. 
9 - Avoid tight clothing this particular period and you wide Balvesatin. 
10 - a national change underwear twice a day. 
11 - Avoid eating sugars in this period. 
12 - bath seat action: It can take a cup of chamomile and Nglah in a liter of water and then plain water Tkhaltin with him in the bathroom and sit.

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