Discussion in small groups number of human rights education, citizenship and democracy

Discussions and is one of the important means seriously on human rights education, citizenship and democracy and one of the tools for the realization and activation of school life. If, on the one hand, enables activated and participants know the positions of these and those towards the same human rights issues and citizenship, and aids participants, on the other hand, in the know the course of events and in doing themselves exploring problems and analysis, they are, too , the most appropriate opportunities for trained individuals to listen actively and to speak alternately.

And to help participants or group section on meditation in principle ambiguous in terms of personal experience, and to contribute to dynamic and Integration the value of cooperation and the rest of the principles and values ​​that depend bases for discussion within the technical work within the group as the rules are necessary for education to respect the rights of others.

And to facilitate open discussions and to ensure the rule of the atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, during the intra-group, Advised educators activator (teacher / component / laxative) to initiate the creation of the basic rules for discussion at the beginning of the school year or the beginning of the implementation of programs of school life, and work for their development and respect at every moment, and by allocating some time to brainstorm suggesting where participants some principles which they see and must be followed by everyone to become a section or a club or group investigating space within a common understanding to listen and to talk and feel the freedom of expression and learning while discussing each other.

After classification proposals Code and installation of each other and comment on them or discussed and make sure Admittance to agree on obeying the rules that have identified its rules, frees regulation carefully and clear handwriting on the large sheet of paper stuck in a suitable place to see and read for reference and subject to completion or amendment as necessary, so that in case of a major violation, for example, these rules intentionally activated to negotiate with the participants in order to determine what must be followed towards this behavior to add the final decision, in turn, to the list.
The discussion is organized, often, either in the framework can accommodate each group (all individuals involved / major group) or in small groups. However, given the problems posed by the structure of chapter (section / row) in our educational institutions in terms of inflexibility furniture spatial and power burden demographic, reaching the national average for the number of students in each section of the lower secondary education and secondary education qualification to 38 pupils ( s), and may exceed much in sections of primary education, especially in the cities, it is difficult to conduct an open debate within the framework of the first shape because it is assumed not to exceed the number of participants 20 to 25 people, and be seated in a circle or semi-circle or something like U- Allowing for all individuals that they see each other in a direct way. However, the second form, any discussion in small groups issue remains, however, possible, as it is not only require taking into account the following:

- Activated be keen to remember that it was a groups consisting each of two or several individuals not more than 05 to 06 people, and a guarantee to achieve the desired goal and the opportunity to each and every one of the participants to contribute;

- That is the composition of groups based on a specific standard, may be the capacity of each individual, or is a combination between the sexes or among friends to work together. And may be is mason random groups, for example, starting from the date of the increase in individuals, or from the first letter of their names, or they may be selected members of the groups on the basis of figures given to the participants compared to the number of groups;

- That sitting members of each group where they can share the vision themselves. And is a situation in which can Tzlilh in our situation is common, and where tables (tables) attached to the seats, the front by taking notice of individuals in complete cycle Moadahm including them become in the face of their colleagues who are behind them.

The method of operation of these groups consisting of 02 to several people, do not require, in turn, only a few steps, processes and principles of which the most important are:

- Whenever decided activator (teacher / component / laxative) the need to employ this technique have it, too, and according to the goal and moment in the context of the lesson (or activation), to determine whether it will be a common topic of discussion between groups or different.

And in any case, if the moment of the lesson or any other refresher program of interest, for example, placed the right to life, calls activated trainees or students to the coalition in their groups according to the standard, who chose to be adopted in the division of the groups, and ask them to Discuss decide within five minutes: "Is it fair to kill someone?". And after the expiration of the period individuals back to their places in the big group to achieve more in-depth discussions on the subject.

- If so requires one group or all groups together more than a few minutes it becomes necessary to appoint (or elect, or proposes,), each group among its members commandeered (s) for the hearing and a decision (s) to its proceedings and careful (E) on the objectives and officer (s) of the allotted time to accomplish those goals, and to be informed in advance that its decision would report on the atmosphere and the results of their work to the rest of the groups, and it is supposed to be characterized by this report objectivity and integrity and honesty and the Secretariat is not guaranteed scheduled any of his ideas or his personal positions.

This report whether usually includes a decision or conclusion debate or a review of the way in which the group worked, it signifies both the activator and the major members of the group in the development of micro-technology group work.

- During the operation of groups be required activated, and except for the alarm to the time allocated to accomplish the task and alert to the number of minutes remaining, in the case of failure of the officers time themselves so, or correct understanding of one of the groups with the instructions, or encouragement to help them start,,, that keen on withdrawal do not interfere in the discussions and not interrupted, and be keen to fair distribution of attention among all groups.

- And so as not to conclude the work of groups without exhausting all desired objectives, baptizing activated, after the presentation of reports and discussion and drawing its findings, to customize a brief moment of evaluation asks, during which, members of the group big on whether activity useful and about what they have learned from it and around what they expect to develop activity in the event that the answer is negative, and on the basis of taking unauthorized ideas into account in subsequent works of the working groups.
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