Come our contribution this in the context of an approach some Anaasralojobh and debate the questions the value that you would have to put the theme: "Mnahjnaaltalimah .. between realism and theorizing .."; providing the Moroccan experience in Tgdidalmnhaj educational, according to developments and transformations community and knowledge of local and international modern. By offering the Moroccan experience, envisage further enrich educational Arabhalmgarna culture among educators actors, individuals and groups, and extending more bridges Altoaslwaltvaal Albin - Arabic in the field of leadership and decisive in the development of societies, much remains sidelined individual Viahtmamtna and political choices Assembly.
Therefore, we have adopted in Mqarepettnalhma topic on the following diagram methodology:
1- Definition educational curriculum .
2- Tkadimanasr Moroccan educational curriculum .
3- Abstract and a general assessment.
First: the definition of the educational curriculum (educational):
Methodological approach can be considered to organize and Engineering system Alterboahwaltalimah of modern educational approaches that tried to transcend gaps and cons Almqarbhaltkulaidah stationed on the content and implications of study; generally, can Taralmnhaj educational (Curriculum) that planning to work more extensive pedagogical of Alorteuraltalima; it does not include, only decisions of the material, but also the goals of Education and Altalmwaltalim activities, as well as how they will assess learning and education (D Hainaut.L1983).
Thus, the educational curriculum defined as:
Planning process Altalimwaltalm, and includes objectives, content, and only active and means Calendar .
Overall concept is not limited to the subject content, but stems from the goals of identifying roads and Aloncthwalusaúl.
Building a logical content elements, in the form of units, Laket control and Haddhattalb previous control units.
Organization for a variety of elements and components can Menblog goals and targets envisaged act of teaching and learning (Science Education Series, Number 4 ).
Second: Moroccan elements of the educational curriculum:
Stems curriculum educational Moroccan Mnmarjaah basic namely "National Charter for Education and Training", which is considered as "Dstortrbua" coincided him most vital forces in the country: the parties represented in parliament, trade unions most representative, some civil society groups, scientists, figures actor, contracting .. . The work "White Paper" for Education and Training on the conversation and scrutiny Mahtoyatalmithaq to crystallize the curriculum educational Moroccan, which stems from the educational philosophy of the Mithaqozlk to determine choices educational directed to review (and build) curricula and programs Alterbahwaltkoan, which stem from the following principles and objectives:
Adoption of the interactive relationship community Banalmadrsh, as a key driver of the school of social progress, and a factor of the merged human Awamlalanme.
And clarity of objectives and targets distant from Revising Alterbahwaltkoan curricula, which are reflected primarily in:
Contribute to the formation of independent personal and Mtwaznahumicfathh learner Moroccan, based on the knowledge of the same religion and language, the date of his homeland and Ttoratmojtmah.
Moroccan prepare the learner to represent and accommodate productions of human thought in and levels Mokhtfattmzarath, and to understand the shifts and evolution of human civilizations.
Prepare Almtalmamora to contribute to the achievement of national economic renaissance, scientific and technical, respond to Moroccan Hajatalmojtma and aspirations.
Evoke the most important during the thieves purely educational talk Fimrajah (and build) education and training curricula, the adoption of a holistic approach and integrated Traialtoazin between social and emotional dimension and dimension Olmharrata, and cognitive dimension, experimental Benbad and abstract, also take into account the relationship and facilitate interactive pedagogical Altencitaljmai.
Adoption of the principle of balance in education and training between the different types of knowledge, and Benmokhtlv methods of expression (intellectual, artistic, physical) and the various aspects of composition (theoretical, Ttabiqiamla).
Adoption of the principle of coordination and integration in the selection of the contents of educational curricula, Tjaozmaat quantitative accumulation of knowledge and teaching materials.
Adoption Mbdaaltgdid Almstmarwalmlaema permanent platforms for education and training in accordance with the requirements of development Almarafewalmojtmaa.
The need to keep up with the basic configuration and continuous for all education and Altkoanlmttlebatt frameworks ongoing review of the educational curricula.
As school room Hakakieltersikh values Alokhalaqaho values of citizenship, human rights and exercise Alehiahaldemqratih (White Paper, 2002).
To develop and engineering these choices and principles Amafa curriculum educational Moroccan, was adopted education on values (values the Islamic faith, and the values of cultural identity, morality and cultural, and the values of citizenship, and the values of Hakoukalansan ...) and the adoption of Pedagogy competencies, Kebedagoggio modern and effective, to develop and Ttoiralkvaiat educational and formative, as well as education on the choice and decision-making. was also, from the regulatory perspective, the restructuring of the school year, and adoption Almdzuat system, education and decentralization, and bring about educational institutions and boards regional, regional and local education and training Dakhlmassat...
Third: summary and evaluation:
The new reform curricula Alterbahwaltkoan in Morocco, which was introduced gradually in various educational institutions and Altkoanmund 1999, is a quantum leap in the history of the Moroccan educational system, for Thdathtterbuya and value judgment and organizational compared to what prevailed before this new reform. But Rgmbed data and positive dynamics - especially at the level of theoretical foundation and script - Altakhalgaha This reform, and despite some efforts Altnzimiho Moroccan finance Altitbdelha state, it actually kind of level still Tatourah some Almauqatowalslbeat some of which can be summarized as follows:
Not cope adequate financial and Almadahualbharih for real reform and requirements (insufficient budget financial Alm_khasshlltalim, lack of frameworks and financial positions, weak and inadequate structures and quality formative Alvdhaouatalterboah ...)
Insufficient to cope and effective in terms of reform the continuous Altatirwaltkoan, and renewal of the configuration to education and training frameworks.
Not care Alkaviahibmoard human socially educational, administrative, where Almjhodatalsmh remains efforts in this field is not sufficient to the accumulation of problems and administrative Alassaobatallajtmaih afflicting education and training frameworks (taxi and Nzamaltaweidat, housing management, mobility, movement and appointments, conditions Almhennehaldakhalah...).
Complexity of some data socio - cultural and economic environment Almasshaltalimah which adversely affect them, as there Ola Ge impact and influenced dialectical and mutually Banalmojtma and educational institution, making any educational reform, any reform of the curricula Alterboahertbt structurally and functionally rest reforms community other positive (political, social, economic, cultural ...).
In the latter, we think that Morocco educational tries as much as possible, although there are some obstacles, adapt and change with data Almarafahoagaymah and Almojtmaahaljdidh (local and global) imposed by several data and challenges new substantive, Kalhajhely update knowledge and moral and institutional and community in general, to raise challenges Altnumeihwaltkdm and national cohesion and meet the needs of community basic, and the ability to Djulgmar fierce global competition which has become imposed by the realities of globalization, Bzhvh Alaguetsadewalajtmai and value ... on Arab societies. We think, as is certain, that Albwabhalh to enter into a powerful nation, and the crane fundamental to the progress and development of this nation, is configuration Nzamalterbah, and educational curricula strong and effective community.
1.-D 'Haint.L, 1983: Des fins au objectifs de l'éducation. Ed Labor, Bruxelles et fernaud Nathan, Paris.
2. Chain Science Education, Issue 4, 1990.
3. The White Paper, the first part, the educational curriculum review committees Moroccan Talimalaptdaúa and lower secondary and qualifying, June 2002.