Problem pre-school education and link education preparatory first year of primary

The purpose of the preparatory year (the third year of education before school) is to prepare the child for life school, because they occur rupture (not college) with the family environment, and contains the new rules, and new habits, and the system is not used it; any it short intervention in Other forms of social life.

But this year the preparations also contain primary education program principles of reading, writing and arithmetic through attractive activities and games appropriate.

But this initial indoctrination of basic Learning- although preliminary - make a difference in the first year primary pupils who passed the preparatory year and who did not pass them.

The question is: How can a primary first-year curriculum to solve this difference will happen different levels anticipated in section one, the fact that the disciples did not behave the same path?

This remains an open question what did not circulate the preparatory year for create articular correlation between pre-school education and primary education.

The alternative, he is:

- The number of primary first-year curriculum that takes into account the existence of preparatory education be the first year elementary extension thereof;

- And either ignore the existence of preparatory education and considered the first year of the beginning of school.

Whatever the choice, the first year will receive pupils from the two tracks. So, we must find solutions and make instructional level pupils homogeneous before entering the second year.
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