Recommendations on the process of curriculum development in the field of training and the functioning of educational institutions and textbooks and processing and the media about the implications of reform

In the field of training:
It comes to answering the question: how to change the practices of teachers and make them receptive to new positions without make a flaw they have?
It is a bet that should be earned through the formation of theoretical concepts and new endeavors in the thinking, especially practical training, which makes them more practical.
In other words, what are the professional and pedagogical competencies needed by the teacher to change his status Apittimologi (To leave the old practices), and to ensure pedagogical renewal that accompanies the approach learning competencies Guy?
In the functioning of educational institutions:
Educational institution is the basic unit for the implementation of reforms and the proper application of the curriculum. However, the pedagogical management is not of the main concerns of the coaching teams.Although there are mechanisms for consultation and teamwork spaces, but the exploit is still weak, and that the school did not organize as a space of the composition as it was supposed to be.
It must be renewed management method vital pedagogical resurrected in the mechanisms of this type of existing management, and give it a place in the enterprise project, which could be an effective way to renewal. Therefore, it is necessary to restore the position by re-scientific and cultural activities and sports in what is considered an extension of the curriculum.
In the field of textbooks and processing:
Notably - in many cases - the difference between the goals of the curriculum and translated in textbooks regarding the implications
Pedagogical and implementation.
There is no doubt that the reason for the lack of correlation between the curricula and textbooks and adoption due to the lack of coordination, and a lack of media or the configuration of the authors of textbooks and Mqomiha responsible for accreditation.
Another reason could explain this shortfall, which is the absence of vision clear for book function as a means of teaching methods or learning for bonds other, such as a brochure activities and other teaching aids, and in the context of pedagogy that carry the student part of the responsibility to learn.
It is obvious that the change pedagogical junk can not be based on the textbook alone, but requires other educational methods that encourage individual and collective activities of the pupil.
The issue also means equipment which must be adapted to the objectives of the curriculum, especially with the nature of the activities of student teaching, and this requires conditioning lists of scientific equipment and technology, including school furniture, which should make it more dynamic to create spaces work adapted to the nature of the activities.
With regard to this aspect of the reform, the problem lies in the establishment of links (Coming forms of study) between curriculum, books, and educational tools, and equipment and adoption.
In the media about the contents of the reform:
The implications of reform - in general - and the goals of the curriculum and the methodology and pedagogical choices approved for completion have not been informed and explain caffeine among workers educators, and the general public.
This has generated a lack of fear of renewal, thus creating a kind of resistance that accompany such a position. Therefore the implementation of new curriculum reform and lacks informed and responsible adoptions, and it was possible that the parents of pupils - through their associations - a party supporter of goodness in the face of resistance.
The question remains: How can we create communication channels that enable the establishment of rules widely debated (as possible) about orientations school?
Mention in conclusion, that the report submitted National Committee of the curricula in March 2008 to the Minister of National Education and tires ministry remains in many of its recommendations and useful document, especially with regard quest Opto to achieve the objectives of the reform; it is necessary to establish consultation, and coordination of actions between sectors with regard to follow the curriculum, and evaluation, and configure users.
Besides this, there is a need does not have to be taken into account, namely, that some materials, such as history, and Islamic Sciences, and the Amazigh language in need of deep thought and consultation with relevant partners (specialists and institutions), being a bear dimensions of a social nature.
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