Conditions contrary to public order in determining the risk in the insurance contract.. Fall right insurance due to violation of laws and regulations

Practice in the insurance market resulted in some drawer insured conditions that guaranteed insurance contract. As the nature of acquiescence in this decade shift between the insured and the discussion. The legislator deliberately when the provisions of this contract to the text on the void for violating public order. Because such conditions all states fall right of the insured in the amount of insurance [Article (750) civilian ([1])] and these conditions are: 
1- Terms fall right of the insured in the amount of insurance the following reasons:
 · Insured violation of laws and regulations unless the offense involved a felony or a misdemeanor [Article (750/1) civilian].
· Insured's delay in Declaration public authorities occurrence of the accident insured him or to provide documents only if it is found that the delay was acceptable excuse [Article (750/2) Civil law]. 
2 - conditions that received the document and are not clear [Article (750/3-4) Civil law follows: 
* Each condition is apparent and leads to nullity or forfeiture. 
* Arbitration clause, which does not exist in the form of a special agreement separate from the general conditions contained in document . 
3 - All other arbitrary condition indicated that it was not for violating the impact if the risk insured him in [Article (750/5) Civil law] . 
([1]) Article (750) civilians as "null and void as contained in the insurance policy of the following conditions are met: 
1) The requirement fall right insurance due to violation of laws and regulations. But if the offense involved the intentional felony or misdemeanor. 
2) The requirement insured loses the right because of the delay in the announcement accident insured him to the authorities or to provide documents if the circumstances show that the delay was acceptable excuse. 
3) Each condition printed manifestly did not emerge and it was linked to the situation of the conditions that lead to the nullity or forfeiture.                                     
4) Arbitration clause if contained in the document between the general conditions printed in the form of a special agreement separate from the general conditions. 
5) All other arbitrary condition indicated that it was not for violating the impact of the accident Insured it. "   This text corresponds to the text of Article (924) of the Jordanian Civil Code; text   Article (480) of the Sudanese Civil Transactions Act; article text (1028) of the Civil Transactions Act of the United Arab Emirates.
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