Contract of insurance contracts consensual.. Consensus, exchange and match the offer and acceptance between the terminal Insurer and the Insured

Insurance contract does not come from the original year, in modern law, a consensual contracts, where the special provisions in civil law has not eliminated otherwise. Accordingly, the insurance contract is held once consensus exchange and match the offer and acceptance between the terminal Insurer and the Insured. And the defendant by the insurance contract to prove this by creating a directory on his claim in accordance with the rules of evidence.
As formulated in the form of a document to ensure it does not deviate from the fact that the writing in this case to prove, not to convene, and that it included a mandatory certain data and signed by the parties to the contract the insurer and the insured,
Does not change the consensual contract . But necessitated due to the adhesion property and includes a variety of conditions, in order to available science and eliminating the ignorance of the insured, including data contained in document.
But consensual, as originally, does not preclude the parties to the insurance contract agree to be formal or in-kind. Shall be a formality when expressly stipulated not take place unless certain formalities taken .And be kind if required insured failure of the contract only if the insured has to pay the insurance premium.
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