Countervailing principle of lack of capacity in the insurance people.. Money savers to face the future is certain puts insured account

Separates people from insurance damage insurance countervailing principle of lack of capacity that stick to the first and continues for the second day, which no longer meet the insured amount of insurance, when the incident of the insured, compensation for damage to insured him . But be regarded as money saver to face the future is certain puts the insured into account . However, the recovery of this money hanging on the suspensive condition is achieved located insured.
Accordingly insured committed to fulfill the amount of insurance to the insured or the beneficiary, when the incident of the insured, regardless of whether that may be the right of the insured or not inflict damage.
And therefore there is no relationship between this amount and the damage resulting from verification of the incident, to impose his presence, then whichever is measured on the other does not matter to increases and decreases . 
In light of this, it is clear that the person Preparing fall is certain when the money needs confront the implications opted for this type of insurance in any form of various photographs (by marriage - Boys -Disease - Infection - Inability - Death - Survival Etc.), and if the incident occurred insured the condition standing and committed believer to fulfill the amount of insurance that can be insured or the beneficiary of the face of its implications.

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