Delegate a power of attorney in the insurance.. Insurance contract with the insured, subject to the restriction on general insurance terms

A person who is authorized by the insurer the authority to conclude an insurance contract with the insured, subject to the restriction on general insurance terms that are familiar - often - Listed in the documents of the various insurance . This delegate has no modification in these conditions by deletion or addition ([1]) Whether the interests of the insured, or was it in the interest of the insured . Because his authority is limited to insurance contract only so Authority lower than the authority of the authorized agent.General and delegate this power of attorney is that limit his authority so obliged not overstepping the limits of his agency, which is not authorized more than the conclusion of the insurance contract .
([1]) Article (1042) of the preliminary draft of the Civil Code provides that "1 - not agent may insured held insurance brokered, if retainer == years, be amended in terms of general insurance, whether this amendment in the interest of insured or not to be in his favor. 2 - but this agent is in his relationship with the insured commissioner of the insured in the conclusion of behaviors which vested usually who is in kind of intermediaries In conclusion acts that used to conclude mandate implicitly insured "(a group of preparations for the civil law, vol 5, p 326, margin (3)).
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