Eligibility in the insurance contract.. The insurer and the insured. Joint stock company or association insurance reciprocal acquired legal personality

Not excited to talk about civil only if we are in the process of a legal act (individual contract or the will), where the conclusion of such an act requires a bicycle from the civil suit with the type of shop where, if acts of disposition shall be concluded with full legal capacity or to be the work of the Department required, but if the place of business administration, it is permissible for a minor and interdicted authorized in money management concluded.
And offering to talk about eligibility for the parties to the insurance contract - Insurer and the Insured - As follows:
- civil believer:
Believer, as a joint-stock company or association reciprocal insurance, there is no place to talk about eligibility for him when he had acquired legal personality and as long as the person who entered into the insurance contract with the insured is the legal representative of the legal person .
- Insured eligibility:
Not that the insurance contract Suite is one of the Department's work, and then it may be good for an adult thereafter concluded, may also minor or interdicted if authorized in the management of insurance funds contract .
The minor or unauthorized interdicted him in the administration, he does not have concluded and if concluded was capable of revocation of his interests, but if passed, guardian or passed upon reaching the age of majority or after being authorized to manage his money.
It may - Also - The parent and guardian and the agent and the public agency may enter into this contract, because these have direct management functions on behalf of the principal.
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