Genesis and evolution of the insurance.. Loss of voluntary insurance and the growing role of insurance because contemporary life filled with hazards

The rights since that brought him his sin of lasting security and eternal bliss and landed Him to the minimum stampede and dissonance and contrast and Conflict and Pathos, is looking for what he can to control the things farcical him, and And make it a safe from the jungles of nature, and provide him with sustenance which is evaluated by crucifixion, and shield them from the threats it faces in himself and his money.
When he was hurt free resort and winter cold himself dressed security shield Damage, and when danger threatened animals and vermin abandoned sleep on the ground and Cover sky The beta Make it a safe taken from it, and when danger threatened aggression peers prompted his family and the fact that the family, clan, tribe.
The family system is the first system to secure the achieved and continues to achieve security for its members and broadcast them reassurance . Where all of its members cooperate with each other to secure all of them from the danger of potentially exposed him, whether in the form of a disease or Was in the form of inability to work . But more than that, the cooperation extends, in the family to a benefit such as helping in the cost of marriage and help provide the necessities of life living, not just stands upon payment of evil sickness, disability and old age .
And insurance, in the form of social solidarity, was the third pillar (zakat) of the five pillars of Islam, and the charity is one of the most important means to draw closer to God in a manner to achieve the common good of society to bring benefits to them and pay off evil about them.
However, the rights to broadcast material that sank in and controlled by the spirit of altruism self And shrunk some lofty principles and narrowed the scope of the family . After that was based on the association of blood has become based on marital (husband, wife and children). In addition to human exposure to risk was not exposed to it before it nor Q Lima after the use of machinery in industry.
However, when he found only n San himself vulnerable with the loss of voluntary insurance, to impose performance or closer with charity or cooperate Therefore kin began looking for a way to offer some kind of reassurance against these risks.
When spread maritime trade and was subject to the risk of piracy in addition to natural hazards, began thinking in marine insurance (s 14 m).
When a fire broke out in London in 1666, resulted in the destruction of several thousand houses and about one hundred church, appeared fire insurance.
And the growing capital in Europe (BC. 18 m), on the impact of the looting of Colonial powers to the wealth of the Third World, and the intervention of mechanical machines in the industry, appeared other types of insurance from a car liability insurance.
And increasing the proportion of work-related accidents, and workers gathered in the form of unions formed pressure groups within communities, led to the emergence of insurance from work-related accidents and occupational diseases 
The life insurance was delayed in appearance to the nineteenth century due to being attacked more than others n Other types of insurance.
During the twentieth century the growing role of insurance because life contemporary filled hazards, whether caused by mechanical machines and electrical appliances or Was in the form of contamination of the environment, all this led to the emergence of other types of insurance from accidents air transport and insurance accidents nuclear energy... Etc. . And appeared - Also - Images variety of social insurance carried out by institutions and public bodies.
The fact that can not be denied except one who is arrogant that insurance has become of paramount importance in contemporary life and has become a crucial role in economic activities Providing security leads to encourage investment.

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