Idiosyncratic definition of insurance.. Contractual system to Toozba damage resulting from time dangers that afflict money Damaged or corruption or loss

The insurance varied definitions and perhaps the most common and acceptable legal thought is the definition which said it Expert French / Himar, where he defined as "the process gets under which one party is insured in return for a certain amount, a premium, on a pledge to himself or herself or to others in case of check particular risk from the other side, a believer who bears on his shoulder mg Ah risk being clearing them and according to the laws of statistics ". 
And knew Sheikh / Light as "Contract system coined money men for the distribution of damage- The output of the dangers of time
Infect funds Damaged or Corruption or loss, or affect the objects and won inferiority and diseases - And hashed By dividing between many individuals assume all of them share it, through the evaluation, and reached its value to its restoration, or diluted; and that carry value and put it on the largest possible number as a result of a contract based on the organization, and supervision: bodies have expertise and experience based on the principles and rules of statistical and experimental".
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