Important insurance policy.. Contract is not unless Partyah sign on the insurance policy was delivered this document to the insured

Insurance policy as a permanent dress worn by the insurance contract after stripped of his clothes interim goal in a temporary coverage note, what is the mission for the insurance?. 
Previously stated that the insurance contract, the provisions of the Civil Code, Consensual contract and then held the writing requirement in the insurance policy will be to prove, not for the. Although the preliminary draft of this law ([1]) was required for the full contract to be signed on the insurance policy of the limbs (Insurer and the Insured). And self-evident that the requirement that requires that this document will be written, because the signature (signatures or fingerprint or seal) can only be written.
 The work was done in the insurance market should be writing to the insurance contract, whether in the form of temporary cover note (primary) or in the form of an insurance policy (final) . Writing then become necessary to convene and not just the proof, and what the document is the form in which it was hurt when an insurance contract, written be necessary for the holding of this contract and not just to prove.     
Although the writing requirement in the insurance policy, but it does not require a special form, any way realized by writing available, may be printed or written on a typewriter or by hand ... Etc. . 
([1])   Article (1048) of the preliminary draft of the Civil Code provides that "not be asked insurance alone binding to the insured nor the insured, are not contract unless signed Parties insurance policy was delivered this document to the insured" (a group of preparations for the civil law, c 5 , pp. 326, margin (3)).
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