Insurance of the disease.. Returns insured medical expenses in whole or in percentage against the insured's obligation to pay insurance premiums

We know that the disease is a scourge against all organisms, including humans. And that the disease of unwanted incidents because of their poor physical infrastructure and weaknesses of the methodology and incurred by the patient treatment costs.
And illness insurance is a contract whereby the insurer would pay to the insured - When his illness during the period of insurance - a fixed amount at once or in installments or that he has been the entire cost of treatment or the proportion of them in exchange for second obligation to pay insurance premiums.
The scope of the obligation of the insurer to bear the consequences if the risk insured it may flattens to cover all diseases, has been focused on the other without others . And determine the scope of this obligation is subject to the common will of the parties . If the insured sick uninsured insured committed to pay the amount of insurance in the manner agreed.

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