Insured in insurance.. Each person is threatened by the risk of a particular wish to deflect the same transfer followed him to another person (insured) in return for payment of a sum of money (premium)

Insured, as a party to the insurance contract, everyone is threatened by the risk of a particular wish to deflect the same transfer followed him to another person (insured) in return for payment of a sum of money (the premium). 
However, it should be noted that trading in the insurance field three terms may meet in person and one or dispersed to more than one person, a student insurance, and the insured, and the beneficiary ([1]) . 
Student insurance: is a person who enters into a contract of insurance with the insurer undertakes to implement the commitments corresponding to the obligations of the insured.
Insured or insured or insured: the person who is threatened by the insured risk it . 
Beneficiary: the person who deserves the amount of insurance or the amount of compensation when the insured risk of him . 
These terms may meet in one person and called the insured, particularly in the damage insurance, that insurance is a student who has contracted with the insurer is - Also - and the insured which is threatened by the danger which is the beneficiary of this insurance, the sense is the one who earns the amount of insurance when you check this menace . For example, a person who believes in his car against fire, this is the person who contracted with the insurance company (student insurance) which is which is threatened by the risk of fire his car (insured), who earns the amount of insurance from the company in the case of the burning car (the beneficiary) . 
However, these terms may be scattered among more than one person as in life insurance . For example, contracted person (student insurance) with the insured on his wife's life insurance (insured) for the benefit of his son (the beneficiary) . Or a person believes his life (student insurance and the insured) for the benefit of his heir (beneficiary) . In this case, the last meet of the two people two terms: student insurance and the insured, the term beneficiary, it called on his legacy . May also be insured and the beneficiary one person and student insurance of another person, for example, if a safe buyer for a deferred payment on the thing that he bought - comprehensive insurance for all risks - for the benefit of the seller (*), the buyer this situation is a student insurance and the seller be locked him and taking advantage of the insurance worth the amount of insurance upon verification insured risk it . 
The insurance contract like any other contract may also be concluded by the insured originality itself may- Well - that thereafter concluded by deputy legal (In charge of the matter or guardian or trustee or receiver) or agreements (representative), and then apply the general provisions in the prosecution in the contract and leave the impact of the insurance contract directly to the inherent (insured) without MP . 
    May also be entered into the insurance contract accidentally residue becomes available conditions in the general rules, as if security secretary transport the goods delivered by the account charger availability is urgent paid to it, in that he finishes the impact of the insurance contract to the owner of the goods (shipper) directly, and subject this case to the provisions of the proxy in the curious relationship between the (carrier) and the employer (the shipper) Article (190) civilian ([2])] 
([1])  Article (1035) of the preliminary draft of the Civil Code provides that   "1 - means the insurance seeker person who undertakes the implementation of the commitments corresponding to the obligations of the insured, and is intended insured person or persons who lead them insured commitments made ​​in the event of an incident described in the insurance contract. 
2 - If the student insurance is the right owner in insurance is insured "(Group preparations for the civil law, vol 5, p 322).                     
(*) Being worked on in the market for sale for a deferred payment or installment to the buyer insurance against all risks for the benefit of the seller, if if the risk insured him that stolen car or burned or damaged deserved seller the amount of insurance from the insurer. Article (190) Civil law on that "Agency rules apply if approved employer curious what he had done."
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