Interest in insurance.. All legitimate economic interest dating back to the insured not verify the insured risk it

Insured risk it serves as a shop in the insurance contract, and that the share is a commitment store insured, and that the amount of insurance is to replace the commitment insured . However, the legislature required to be the object of securing all legitimate economic interest dating back to the insured not verify the insured risk it [Article (749) civil ([1])].
However, the use of Civilian lawmaker the word "economic" added to the word "interest" sparked controversy in its building jurisprudence that an interest in the subject of insurance on damages and not as well for the insurance people ([2]).
In our view, that the legislature did not need to add this word to the word was enough interest income statement as follows " ... Legitimate interest ... "( [3] ) . In any case, it must be to the insured or beneficiary a legitimate interest (economic or moral) not to verify the insured risk than in the two types of insurance (including persons and damages) where both that if there was no interest in not realized this danger it be insurance would make some sort of speculation, and not Necessity such a thing pays the insured incitement to verify the insured risk him in the hope of getting the amount of insurance.
([1]) Article (749) Civil law that "the object of securing all legitimate economic interest dating back to the person of the non-occurrence of a particular risk."
([2]) For further statement on the dispute idiosyncratic about this issue and analysis see.
([3]) Article (166) of the Jordanian Civil Code states that "1 - No contract is valid if you are not a legitimate benefit to the parties. 2 - and presumably in the presence of these contracts benefit legitimate unless evidence to the contrary.
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