Proportionality between compensation and damage insurance.. When the insured risk of him not only committed to meeting the amount commensurate with him, even if the amount of the insurance contract is greater than the value of this damage

Damage insurance required proportionality between the amount of compensation that the insured commits to fulfill between the value of the damage to the insured on the impact if the risk insured him . In the sense that the insured, when the risk of the insured him, not only committed to meeting an amount commensurate with the damage even if the agreed amount of insurance in the insurance contract (insurance document) is greater than the value of the damage.

But most of the insured does not deserve but an equal amount of damage, even if multiple insurance policies with several insurers, they have no claim believers only equivalent to the value of the damage to the financial discharged because if the risk insured him.

For example, if the car owner has insurance against fire with more than one insurance company (Misr Insurance and Chark Insurance and Mohandes Insurance and Al Ahlia Insurance Etc.).

And if the risk insured him and burned the car during the term of insurance at all companies, including estimated value of the damage to the amount (20000 pounds), attitudes, surface paid to say that the insured has the right to claim all locked on the unit this value so that it gets from each on the amount (20000 pounds ). However, the insurance provisions of the damage, because they are of a compensatory nature, provides that it is not to the insured in this case only claim the value of the damage to the car and sits in to bring this claim to these companies or to only one (1).

In light of this shows that it is not permissible for the insured in case of multiple believers claim all of them separately in an amount equal to the value of the damage. That is unjust enrichment, as the compensation is estimated as much damage neither increase nor Decrease.

While base fit with the damage compensation does not apply to the insurance people, Insured him or beneficiary to claim the agreed amount of insurance, when the availability caused even if there were many insurance policies, where has the right combination of deposits due under all of these documents.
(1) Article (1043) of the UAE Civil Transactions Law states that "If then the insurance on something or interest in more than insured amounts in excess of the value of the thing or the insured interest was every believer is obliged to pay part equivalent to the ratio between the amount of the insured The combined value of insurance contracts without exceeding the total paid to the insured value of what it gets from the fire."

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