Use of statistical knowledge in insurance.. A statistical study of the likelihood of risks insured and the extent of gravity

The believer offers promise to the insured to cover insured risk him in return for a second fulfillment premium insurance, as this coverage is not only through the balance being of the total premiums insured, was insured that calculates premiums based on statistics, which can be about how to conduct a statistical study of the likelihood of risks insured and the extent of gravity, in order to stand on the truth of the matter in terms of fulfilling its commitments and profits that will be according to the difference between the total Premiums and the value of this meeting.
There is no doubt that the insurance is based on the account of possibilities, and is intended to identify opportunities if the risk over a certain period, if he wanted the insurer to cover the risk arising from the fire, you must have a proper statistics show the number of fire accidents that occur each year in a way gives a rough idea number of risks that will stick covered annually.
If k to achieve risk insured which is a coincidence E.'s a that statistics by calculating the probability (identifying opportunities if the risk) and the law of abundance (frequent case of T that are at risk) make estimating the occurrence of risk given the results to some extent intact. In a manner that Insured to determine the obligations and risks that the burden of coverage and calculate the amount of the premium, which Wilt g insured paid on a regular basis. For example, if not possible effort to know the date on which you will die when the only person that it is possible through the statistics to know the number of remains People alive after a certain age.
No sin to calculate probabilities based on the relationship between the number of jobs verify the occurrence of the subject of insurance risk to the number of possible cases. And who is on this account called actuarial expert, and the basis for calculating probabilities insured can determine the value of the premium.
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