Cases which do not originate from the insurance contract.. Security interest against the insurer, including his right to the amount of insurance

Arise relating to insurance claims, but does not apply in the matter of limitations trio only if issued by a party to the insurance contract against the other. If the proceedings issued by third parties on one of the parties or of one of the parties against others, such suits left in that general rules of limitation and not of limitation triple your insurance contract, and these proceedings as follows: 
- Liability suit brought by the injured to claim compensation, whether a lawsuit directly against the administrator (the insured) that the security of this responsibility, or whether a lawsuit is directly against the insurer where the creditor uses (injured) the rights of the city (in charge).
- The case of direct actions brought by the injured against the insurer for a claim to verify responsibility insured by security including (liability insurance), whether based on the law directly, such as insurance of motor vehicle accidents, or was it based on the designated in the insurance contract beneficiaries (the requirement for the benefit of others) . 
- Suit insured against charge if the risk insured him - in the insurance people - for example, if the security of people against physical injury and cause another occurrence of these injuries, it becomes the right of that person (insured) directly liability suit against the other (official) for demanding compensation.
- Legal solutions to suit believer replace the insured to refer to the charge if the risk insured him - things insurance - ([1]). 
- Property Insurance claim against the insurer, including his right to the amount of insurance, because the amount of insurance to replace something that is the right mortgage or lien ... Etc. ([2]). 
([1]) Article (1030) of the Code of Civil Transactions Emirati that "may believer to replace the insured including paid guarantee for damage in cases be to the insured before the caused damage that resulted him responsibility insured unless of unintentional damage of assets and branches of the Insured or of his wives or are living with him in one or a person to be insured responsible for his actions."   
([2]) Article (1045) of the UAE Civil Transactions Law that "1 - if the thing insured burdened by a mortgage or other kind of insurance these rights moved to guarantee due to the insured under a contract of insurance.   
2 - If recorded these rights or communicated to the insured if a registered letter, it is not permissible for him to pay what he owes to the insured only with the consent of those creditors."
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