Damage insurance.. If the risk insured him at the positive side of the financial edema. All legitimate economic interest dating back to the person of non-occurrence of a particular risk

If insurance people respect of a person insured; insurance of damages in respect of the financial disclosure to the insured and not in person. 
Insurance be allocated from working on repairing the damage wrought check rags insured risk than in the positive side of edema as financial insurance in things against theft, fire or damage ...... Etc. . It also works on removing the specter of increased downside to this disclosure due to check this menace as in liability insurance .
Insurance is characterized by damage to several persons insurance properties of delusional: compensatory capacity and interest in insurance. This character is the main principle in the first insurance as the lack of it is also for securing the latter. 
The amount of insurance in insurance from the damage is of a compensatory and estimated the extent of damage to the insured as a result of check insured risk it . In the sense that the insurer is committed to fulfilling this amount when damage occurs and is discharged from this meet when lack thereof [Article (751) civilian ([1]). 
 No sin that entails compensatory adhesion capacity of insurance damage some of the results: 
- Incompatibility between more than a deposit or a combination of the amount of insurance and compensation when he first sufficient to redress the insured damage to his right because if the risk insured him. 
- The replacement of the insured insured claim of others, which is responsible for verification insured risk it, compensation. 
- Lack of commitment to the insured - In the case of multiple believers - But a stake in the amount of insurance received by the insured because if the risk insured him. 
 The interest in the insurance intended legitimate economic interest in not verify the insured risk it, that is, each of the parties to such insurance in the interest not check this menace   [Article (749) civilian([2]). 
([1]) Article (751) that he "does not abide by the insured in only compensate the insured for the damage resulting from the occurrence of the insured risk him to, but not exceeding the value of the insurance 
([2]) Article (749) Civil law that "the object of securing all legitimate economic interest dating back to the person of the non-occurrence of a particular risk.
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