Marine Insurance.. Risk management through contract under which the insured shall indemnify the insured for damage to marine message

The insurance and in general, and on different kinds on the principle of cooperation, that principle has known ancient societies, and who was also apparently means practiced by members of the same society in order to ward off the dangers caused to one of its personnel through the contribution of others to bear the damage through cooperation and solidarity. As the principle of cooperation is the foundation upon which the technical insurance, and the insurer organizes cooperation group of individuals Exposed to similar risks and set-off between these dangers, this is done through a table of statistics. Therefore, we find that there are those who go on to say that cooperation is based on insurance The preclusion cooperation negated insurance.
Thus we find that the cooperation or (the distribution of the burden of risk) by the total individuals appeared before the advent of insurance as an organization dedicated to carrying the dangers of the sea are technical and scientific process based on specific legal grounds. 
If the insurance and the different types based on the same basis, but marine insurance is already appearing on other types of insurance. Insurance be allocated sea which is a figment of the insurance in general, and a means of means of managing risk through the contract which is committed under which the insurer to compensate the insured for damage to the message of the marine check one notification insured them against making premium committed insured pays the insurer, is one of the oldest types of insurance due to its association with the shipping process, and this does not mean that the process of shipping the oldest of road transport, but all there is to be shipping as the probability of the hazard ratio which is bigger than in road transport. 
We note that our time does not know the history of the emergence of marine insurance, and no place to appear on a large degree of accuracy. 
But preponderant view that marine insurance conceived Mini was known in ancient times, although his first appearance was in the Obelisk Hammurabi year (2250) BC, after acquired the idea of danger sea on a lot of intellectuals who tried to find a way to get rid of the damage that can cause individual when injury discharged financial danger. 
And notes that the idea of marine insurance is inspired by the loan contract (which is on the ship or the goods), and the loan to someone with a loan of equipped (for ship) or the charger (for goods) in the amount of money and the latter (equipped / charger) refund what has been paid the loan amounts to the lender in the case of the arrival of the ship or the goods without damage or loss with a particular interest determined in accordance with the prior agreement between the parties. In the event that the ship or the goods of the risk of the borrower (supplier, shipper) is exempt from return what he took from the loan amount. When the interview between the two decades (the loan contract quality and marine insurance contract known today), we find that the lender takes the place of the insured, and the amount paid to the borrower is a compensation insurance. As for what the lender would receive from the interest as it is a premium that the insured commits to pay for the believer. 
Because of commercial communication that connected between the old groups, moved the idea of maritime loan from the Babylonians to the Phoenicians, Indians, Greeks and Romans afterwards. 
If there aside from French jurisprudence considers that it is not true insurance Find out in primitive societies. As the insurance and generally came as a result of the evolution of the economic and social conditions in the trade, and maritime trade in particular, because the insurance was not a legislator or jurist, but is a relatively new system. 
However, this opinion may deny the existence of insurance in ancient societies as insurance as the legal system was not legislation or a particular scholar, but this does not mean that this integrated system did not have historical roots grew them or a certain idea, gleaned principles. Marine insurance be allocated known to us today is linked to the idea of the maritime loan known ancient societies. But insurance as a process for distributing the burden of risk back to the end of the twelfth century, as practiced group Lombards inhabitants northern cities in Italy known Lombards, then known in Florence and Genoa, when cities were mentioned a center of trade and Marine Insurance, and so is the Lombards first security on goods.
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