Dealt with trade laws various marine insurance policy drift that were processed and statement texts explicit where, and despite the fact that these laws have agreed as to the content or the idea of the document floating on the description of that document provides through which the shipments future that may be credited to the insured or to the detriment of others. However, they differed in terms of the label legal to this document, as we find some called this document document name floating (as law of marine insurance English in 1906 and a draft law Iraqi Trade of 1958) and this is commonly called, is intended Floating that stuff insured are not certain in the document insurance. The others referred to them as the document name is fixed (such as the Syrian and Lebanese, Jordanian and Libyan)
This is because things insured and premium not be fixed as it can increase the number of shipments that could secure them over time.
The others of laws is referred to by name and subscription document (such as Egyptian law No. 8 of 1990 and Emirati law No. 26 of 1981), on the grounds that the insured is a joint has insured (insurance company).
The draft Iraqi maritime law for the year 1974 is called by the name of the open document.
Insurance nautical