Dialectic of population growth and economic downturn.. The impact of population structure on national economic growth

Neglected in the past, economists study the effect of population structure on national economic growth.He knew the population evolution of many of the statistical and social aspects, but it is not in depth the link between him and the economy.
There is no denying that Malthus (1766 - 1834) was first alerted to the impact of population growth on social welfare, was expected to outweigh the increase on food production, causing a major famine in a short time.
But the technological development and the increase in agricultural production that followed allowed for securing food for all better quality, lower cost and greater quantities.
Thus did not materialize pessimistic theories of Malthus and perhaps even formed the motivation for progress.
There are many theories, which connects the population size and growth positively to growth
Economic and other negatively and most recently does not endorse any relationship between them.Economic theories that considered the human factor of production positively linked to population growth.Whenever many number of employees greater quantities produced at rates bigger or smaller depending on the volume of production revenues.
The theories that focused on the population of the social aspects of any cost to maintain a good population, generally found a negative relationship between the population and the economy at least in the short term.
Spending on health, education and food is expensive and only gives a positive return over the long term. The final set of economic theories did not find any significant relationship between them, and therefore focused on other factors as head money and energy Kmatherin the production and productivity and thus growth.
Important in the relationship between the population and the economy is not the number and impact of population growth it, but changing the structure of the population. 
Population structure is produced which contains a relatively large number of the labor force, any of those aged between 18 and 64 years old.
The higher the ratio, the easier to bear the expense of the community who are not living of children and aging, and are intended especially retirees.
The truth is that having children is on the decline in most countries of the world, and the life expectancy is on the rise due to provide nutrition, health, and this means that fewer numbers of workers will bear the future cost of living larger numbers of the elderly.
The cost of health when the Senate is generally 3 times the cost when young, from here the inevitable increase total spending on health with the changing structure of the population. It is natural that this problem deserves serious thought social financial and solutions that may assume that state intervention in one way or another.
Investigation of possible solutions and useful in the long term is to increase the productivity of workers in order to increase production, and thus be able to repay the cost of retirement of older, directly or indirectly through tax increases on income.
Increase productivity assume that the development of education in all grades and branches, as health, food and means of family planning, funding and training so that the worker do and more product. Structural change is the population could be of great benefit to the community or an impediment it depending on the demographic and economic policies and social exercised by the State in cooperation with the private sector.
There is no doubt that the policies of economic openness, combined with the development and liberalization of labor markets and big money positive impact on investment and growth.
To accommodate the new population increases Bhacletha the required breadth of the market so as to increase employment opportunities and investment flourish. The more the economic situation has improved as the rate of increase eased population.
Whenever worsened the distribution of income and wealth between the layers of people whenever they largest population increases. When the situation improves economic rights, can spend more on social needs and consumption of entertainment and thus become more aware of the place and its future and the future of his children.
The relationship between social welfare and population growth today is negative in all the countries and communities. As for addressing the issue of population structural change resulting from human evolution, requires a focus on the liberalization of labor markets in order to accommodate and on the liberalization of capital markets so that citizens can borrow to invest more easily.
Here lies the importance of financing small projects that started out years ago with Bangladesh Bank experience (Grameen) the successful and which could be circulated to all states. The United States of America quoted her idea to deal with the reality of misery belts available in the suburbs of most American cities.
Accommodate the new population structure requires finding practical ways to the attention of the applicants in the age, since they will be able to more and more children are busy with their work their attention as it gets today. Examples are available in industrialized countries that have preceded us to go to him and summarized financial assistance directly to applicants age, guarantees sufficient and appropriate to their health and life, and the establishment of appropriate care institutions and funded by private donations and individual contributions and public funds.
Find sufficient sources of funding will depend more and more on the willingness of corporations and the rich to donate voluntarily to help the state and private institutions, non-profit to do their duty towards those who need it.
Most developing countries, including Arab need to develop a culture of donation and help others, which is reached by industrialized countries after decades or even centuries of experience and development. It is essential for our countries to put the appropriate tax legislation to encourage the rich to donate charity, if not respond then must raise the level of taxation on everyone or reduce public spending on all other items.
Accommodate the new population structure takes other dimensions due to receiving with public budgets powerless in the aggregate, which imposes economic officials think by suitable such as those offered previously. Statistics says that women outlive population much more than men in all countries. In the age of sixty and above, there are today about 81 men for every 100 women. But at the age of eighty and above, there are 53 men for every 150 women Valamr forthcoming three years is higher in women than in men in developing countries and eight years in rich countries. Social Security problem becomes more important for women to they يعمرن more than men. There is another important aspect is the possibility to take advantage of the female labor force producing more and more that enjoy long age, health, science and culture.
Accommodate large population increases can not be done safely if the labor market did not expand so that everyone contributes in production.
It is the necessary measures to facilitate the hiring and firing processes so that companies are encouraged to employment. The participation of the private sector in the state of training and pay the cost of insurance contribute to find and develop a productive workforce. In the Arab region, there is still a relatively large population increases result of childbearing than four children per woman, compared to less than 2 in industrialized countries. The life expectancy is 65 years, which is less than other geographical regions except Africa and South Asia, so it is important to be aware of the increasing population and addressed through mitigation and absorb future increases in the economy through training, education and adequate food. It also must consider the cost of funding retirement so that aging respected across adequate safeguards. There is no doubt that the financing of social security to all sections has become an international problem, as there is no one country do not worry today on reality and the fate of the social guarantee. The financial contribution of workers in the escrow fund, in addition to good capital investment leads to cover the cost of growing with time thanks to population trends.
From here, the importance of the development of financial markets so that employs the fund in a variety of
savings tools allow to achieve an acceptable return and risk are relatively mild.
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