Keynesian state of the global economy and sickly.. Reinvigorating the traditional dilemma of capitalism and the development of gains or profits through the free exchange

We have led the liberalization of economic exchanges, under economic theory to the rise of inequality or inequality, on a global scale this disparity that has become rare to talk about, although it tends to fill the gaps in income, in each country, which became distinguishes the planet in its entirety This has encouraged international competition, everywhere, the recession mass wages, or more clearly growing gains or profits, and re-compression of entry, at work agitator, through free exchange, restored activity to the impasse traditional capitalism, where the notes today, the emergence of Kony New : salaries or powdered wages do not allow to absorb increased production. This phenomenon was vulgar had docked, by Malthus and by Keynes (Keynes ) In England, It is by most economists, socialists, in the nineteenth century, and the twentieth century. It remains fully understood all that, by economists who are not committed in the United States. 
If the allowed scientists economy of working in academic institutions in the United States, in general, the emergence of inequality, or inequality that results from free trade becomes slack in demand, on the other hand, the issue of prohibited or restricted, including the anti-commitment of errors(ANTICONFORMISTES ), Such as Paul Krugman (PAUL KRUGMAN ), And runs the risk of rioters this effect for the comprehensiveness of their own, as inequality, to mark a break with the existing system, risking the call to abandon free trade, and on top of those Chelmrs the Gunnison (CHALMERS JOHNSON ) Concerned the affairs of Asia, and author of the adverse giveaway (BLOW _ BACK ), One of the most obtrusive books, which I wrote about the behavior of the United States, since World War II. But did not dare Robert gelbin, (ROBERT GILPIN ) - Analyst, very clear, from globalization, for the continuation or reliability of States and Nations, and the differences structural between capitalism Anglo-Saxon, Japanese, or German, which is very cautious with regard to Balhishashih economic, and ideological dominance of the United States - had dared to raise this issue, involving a lack of legal or legitimate good behavior of the institution.
And injustice can be committed specific about Joseph Stiglitz (JOSEPH STIGLITZ ), The world economy as a former head of the World Bank, and amnesty in the organization, the undisputed, because the Nobel Prize, which was awarded to him, is the testimony of his affiliation to it. ). However, it remains Stiglitz faithful to free trade, and can only complain or يتأوه, in practice, about the lack of inspiration or a global need for the organization, and no one knows whether this subtraction naive or subtle, it is likely that the two at the same time it is solid For the bureaucracy of the International Monetary Fund, but the doctrine of a professional. And should not be militants, as funny: that one of the analysts adult representatives of the U.S. economy, reaffirms, after Keynes, that the weakness or disability in the full demand has become possible, and that it is necessary to direct the organization on a global scale to indicate the beginning cornering, Even if the government described in Washington, it is in a very bad situation, for the (negotiation) after that.
It has become increasingly slump in demand caused by the free exchange and very clear, pressure salaries, and the decline in the rate of growth in the global economy, and the recession the most interactive and more, all of this is not new, but, we have here, to provide screening things, even the degree Altoirtat Strategy for the United States current, and low consumption at the world level. For that, but it is a recession on demand on a global scale, alone, is the one who allows the United States to justify its role as a regulator and looting of public economy or totalitarian (GLOBALISEÉ the ), To carry out the work and readily claim to a universal كينيزية state.
Within the global economy, understatement, and واهن, ended the tendency of the United States, natural in consumption over production, ended up being considered, the feature of the globe in full, was wounded people stunned result of the stability or the continuation of a dynamic consumption in the United States, with all the economic recession happened and who became feature positive basis, for its economy which is no longer wants to see basic productivity, and became savings ratio of domestic or family violence, close to the poverty in the United States, but, with all the ((retrieval economist)) in the United States, bulging imports of consumer goods coming from all parts of the world , and the trade deficit deepens, and hit new record highs, each year, a negative, and the world will be happy, when he breathes a sigh of relief, where Fontaine world prevails, when begging Ant to cockroach that kind enough to accept that feeds them.
The world's attitude towards the United States, here, is that subject cosmic, and Keynesian, which is expected from the state economic take-off, really, to one of the functions of the state, from the standpoint of Keynes Okens, is consumption to support demand, and there is a small word nice to Keynes at the end of his theory of general , for the pharaohs who built the pyramids Mbdhiran, or Lavishs, but their work were organized for economic activity and will be the United States, Became an old man in the world, we need to maintain it and take care of him, to work by all the inhabitants of the planet, there can only be sure of consistency: and harmony absolute, between this vision by the United States, the world, from a Keynesian point of view, as well as the political interpretation of globalization. Must become the trade deficit of the United States, described in a this model, from imperialist deduction.
Society has become the United States, the State of the whole world, from the economic point of view. He believes himself, however, that a hostile nature of the state, and that he is forced to decrease the activity of this state, in the national economy, through lack of organization to profit from new, but denied the state of society, has ended to work to make the community, is the state , it is the view of these negative features, the neo-classical economics, or neoclassical, the State, as non-productive, with no financial responsibility. On the other hand, with the positive power, conferred by the world of Keynesian economics of the state or its attribute, inductively on demand in the induction phase of the recession.
Valmikant monetary and psychological dark, but these Americans Ddinmeon too, and are capable of very accept insecurity in the labor market irregular has become at once employees, non-productive, but consumers did not reach excessive individual responsibility for the world, but to the lack of collective responsibility.

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