Problems of agriculture in the Arab world.. Agricultural space constraints. Poor control of water resources. Rule pension Agriculture. Rural migration

The different agricultural production base in the Arab world due to the following:

1 - lack of space in relation to the agricultural population, leading to the continuing imbalance in the relationship between demographic growth and the food available for these individuals, per capita is very weak.

2 - Despite the contraction in agricultural areas as a result of urbanization and economic and social projects that are at the expense of the agriculture in the Arab world, if not dependent entirely on rain water, with an estimated Rainfed agricultural area about 78 % Of the total cultivated land, while the area irrigated 22 % Only.

3 - Arab countries annually lose large tracts of agricultural land and compensate the other hand, new land reclamation.

4 - Poor control of water resources in Syria does not exceed 20 % , 40 % Algeria 73 % In Saudi Arabia, with an average ranging between 35 to 50 % In some other Arab countries.

5 - backwardness of agricultural production methods, may be used for small amounts of modern production requirements both in terms of mechanization, fertilizers and pesticides, for example, uses the Arab world 3 tractors per 1000 hectares It is very far from the level of developed countries in particular Germany, the United States and Canada.

6 - the lack of integration between the agricultural and industrial sectors, despite efforts and government policies.

7 - the rule of Agriculture pension as allocated to more than one family to contribute to the market.
8 - rural migration.

9 - The high cost of production.

10 - Lack of cooperation and coordination between the Arab countries by a private marketing.

11 - Arab financial institutions are only a sham structures wasted their money in trivial symptoms.

12 - The absence of appropriate support for Arab agricultural sectors.

13 - dependence on imports to secure the production requirements.

14 - The absence of integrated rural development take into Hspadtha the people of rural residents.

And there are also other problems are secondary and is of extreme importance but this is that like the Arab countries to devote her all the attention in terms of research and framing and raising the financial dependence because the alarm may portend a storm shaking entity these countries that did not take reserves in proper time near at a time when America is that the food is granted the power of life or death on the impoverished masses.
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