Chemical waste liquid and solid hazardous

These materials at the most is a residue laboratory, which is unusable because of the expiration of use, or because of the resulting residue from laboratory experiments or failure to use for long periods. This is a piece of material of hazardous medical waste, a process needs to separate and collect the special, which is as follows: 
* If the amount of this waste a few where they are separated these residues according to the properties and structures of chemical and Alvezaawih each Mekhlef separately in special containers and sizes are known and screwed when the product (the source), and when the fullness is contacted with the Department of Environmental Protection, which is responsible for managing the collection and storage of the waste for the purpose of collected with documents and data for each Mekhlef 
Individually and signed by the producer of the waste and the environmental protection department directly responsible for the collection and storage Amlilt inside the hospital. 
* As if the large amount of waste. In this case relates to section Awalmokhtbr product residue with the Department of Environmental Protection and the latter, in turn, communicate with the company concerned therapy final for the purpose of setting a date for the receipt and migrated with all the documents, data and information relating to such waste and signed by the producer of the waste and the company concerned therapy final and several copies are kept by the hospital and the company. 
** Where that section of the remnants of chemical and medical, must remain in their original containers during separation processes and the combination, because the section of this hazardous chemicals quick interaction User can interact with air or moisture or heat, to piece the collection, transportation must be done in a manner so that are processed so that Aatfaal with the air temperature, humidity and become a non-reactive and then it is carried over from the company concerned before the final treatment with all the documents and data on these chemicals and signed between the two parties Kmalk. 
* The hazardous chemicals and rapid interaction. Which can not be treated is contacted with the Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of bringing glass containers to keep them and then it is the process of collecting and storing at the point of storage temporary with documents and information about those hazardous chemicals and signed Aydamn by section product and environmental protection department and several copies while being transported.

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