This medical waste non-infectious disease is checked by doctors, such as blood, gypsum and needles and gloves used syringes and needles and plastic containers used to transport patients to gonorrhea. And others, after admitting tests as non-infectious. After the start of the season and the piece collection and transport. Either the separation process and the combination of these wastes, where this waste is separated from each other when the product (the source), and placed in nylon bags of each type separately. The resulting pathological secretions can be placed in the drainage channel and the public poured Almealiha much. The other waste such as materials acute, including knives, needles, scissors and other sharp objects, the process of separation when the product must be done after use, and this waste is placed in Metal containers is especially acute closed-yellow color, and in the case of laying waste to the above-mentioned within these metal containers can not be extracted again, the spectrum because of the narrow opening of the container. After the connection is brimming Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of transportation and collected at the point with the temporary storage of data and information about the waste and also signed between the product section and Department of Environmental Protection.
Serious medical waste