This waste is divided into two parts:
** Infectious Diseases (solid) Solid infection waste
These are separated infectious waste by-product (the source) and placed in special containers inside the blue color and has a yellow color cover, and accommodate these containers (30) liters, but must be placed in these containers (9) kg only. Kmalk there are other larger containers with a capacity of any (50) liters, but must be placed so that the waste does not exceed 18 kg, and are used for the same purpose and the same colors listed here. The process of combining where they are when Imitla this waste containers are
Contact with the Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of transportation and collected at the point of temporary storage inside the hospital with all data and information relating to such waste and signed by the concerned department and the Department of Environmental Protection.
** Infectious Diseases (liquid) Liquid infection waste
Separates these infectious waste hazardous liquid by-product (the source), and placed in special containers, and the size of (20) liters Blue color and has a lid can be stretched tightly in the case of fullness waste hazardous liquid clog Cover tightly and is contacted with the Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of transportation and collected at the point of storage temporary and attached data and information relating to such waste and also signed between the two parties mentioned Top.
Serious medical waste