Sharps waste.. tools that cause scratches and wounds as a result of use and diagnostic materials such as medicines used in the treatment of cancers

Sharps waste sharp wastes 
These two types of waste: 
First. Is the things sharp knives and scalpels and needles and some appliances and electrical equipment and tools that cause scratches and wounds as a result of use of this department and acute infectious waste. 
  Second. This represents a waste of diagnostic materials such as medicines used in the treatment of cancers 
The separation process and the combination of the first of this type of waste is separated when the product where each individually and collected in special containers, plastic and sizes and different types so that they are clean and free, either acute infectious ones Kalashiyae of 
Needles and others are placed in a special type of metal containers resembling funds and prove on the table and tightly In the case of fullness shut tightly and communicates with the Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of transportation and collected at the point of temporary storage. Either type Aalthani, follows the same way in the classroom and the combination and after filling those containers of waste is contacted with the Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of transportation and collected at the point of storage temporary and accompanied by data and information about those wastes and signed by the department product and environmental protection department in the hospital.

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