Specifications central collection point for hazardous waste

* Consists of the central collection point (4-5) Auanbar stores. 
** Central collection point located underground and deeply (9) meters. 
Containing ** each store or Inbar above the earth's surface at the door of a big rise up every door up to (4) meters and a width of more than 3 meters. 
** Each store or Inbar of (4-5) receive hazardous waste. 
The study shows that the classification of medical waste and hazardous before final treatment. 
Of organic compounds and compounds of solid, liquid and inside special containers and stored in or under Alanbareetm chemical properties and Alvezaawih each type separately, as follows: 
** Where that section of hazardous waste which can not contact them and inside closed containers to go and navigate directly from the store and Awalanbar by hand to lift into the rotary kiln for the purpose of processing. 
** Another department of hazardous waste, including liquid and hazardous and that are classified in hospitals and are currently in the store or Alanbar (dot assembly central), be reclassified again and placed in containers larger with the same characteristics and qualities, and yet brimming flying out of the store or Anparotnql to the oven rotor together for the purpose of Jtha. 
* Department of hazardous waste, including liquid and which have been classified in hospitals also existing within the store or Alanbar (dot assembly central) and located inside special containers colorful and classified by properties and attributes of chemical and Alvezaawih each type separately, including containers Rouge and containers glaucoma lifted directly from the store Alanbar or by hand to the rotor into the oven for the purpose of processing. 
* Because of the diversity of hazardous waste in terms of structure and chemical properties and classification of Alvezaawih must have in the central collection point and may not be mixing any chemical compound with an organic compound and another piece to avoid chemical reaction between them and avoid potential risks. 
** As that section of halogenated chemical compounds should be classified in the central collection point before being processed to avoid the risks that may occur. 
* The last section of liquid chemicals with high heat grades must be re-classification in the central collection point before being processed to reduce the potential risks. 
* Division of Hazardous Wastes containing infectious bacteria must be re-classification in the central collection point before the final treatment to avoid the risk. 
* Department of hazardous waste generated after surgical operations, and the resulting after laboratory analysis and chemical analysis, materials and some of the hazardous chemical compounds, it must be re-classification in the central collection point before the final treatment.

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