Stages of the gases emitted by the washing and purification

* The first stage. (ash remover). At this stage, are greeted gases for the purpose of washed and cleaned VDC static electricity, the spectrum of the purified and washed with water and sprayed from the top on those emissions, which is pushing for the right, depending on the design and processing unit, where the saturated those gases with water at temperatures up between (70 -80) degrees Maah. sense any cooling gases and acidic compounds and the Department of dust and minutes where the relationship is relatively washed with water. 
Phase II ** (Quencher). At this stage, liquid materials go through the pipeline to the device 
Centrifugal electric where they are paying liquid substances including acids and dust to the top where consists layers of dense semi-sa questions and then go this dense layer semi-Elsa questions and containing gases to react with clean water where it is wash and purify the gases emitted from the acids and impurities and minute dust well. But this does not mean rid of acid gases and impurities completely but still contain these gases to acids and impurities and minute dust but is less than it was. 
Phase III ** (Rotary scrubber). They wash stage gases base or alkaline material, in order to turn into a neutral chemical materials so that they are no (7 = pH). As a result of the interactions that occur between the gases and alkaline substances consists of several gases, including sulfur oxides. And is also minutes wash the dust from gases Allenbosh. 
* The fourth stage (Wet wall electrostatic precipitator). At this stage, are intensifying, purification and scrubbing, where he spoke of condensation through the filters of electric, namely that the gases pass through the columns of the filters, as there is in the center of the pole electric current is strong, and during the passage of minutes the dust on these columns (filters), which contains the the middle of the power supply strong as stick to these minutes of dust on those columns, and the piece because the outer part of these columns to be cool, and is intensifying these minutes from dust them with water vapor is then condensed laundering minutes dust and materials salt of these columns. 
Cloud ** (Induced draft fans). After phase condensation Aalmchar above, is withdrawn gases resulting from these stages as follows: 
  * After the operations of washing and purification filter, where it is to improve the laws and regulations related environmental emissions gas from time to time so that added new paragraphs to environmental laws Almzkoraalah about the proportions of gases emitted and currently in force in the Federal Republic of Germany to the rest of these gases emitted dangerous at this stage of filtering and purification of gases emitted and need to be catalysts and activated before the final phase of the exit gases into the atmosphere. 
* Added amounted to $ (2.19) tons of catalysts and stimulant to the gases emitted by the final stage out into the atmosphere, and the piece to speed up the chemical reactions necessary for cleaning and purification of gases. 
* These catalysts and stimulant and assistance (steck oxid) is a nitrogen oxides to carry out the reduction of the proportion of the emission of hazardous gases, and also to the reduction of gas dioxins and furans are too many gases so that the quantity of emitted gases is very small so you do not remember. And remain at its borders and allowed a European lineage and non-polluted and environmentally healthy. 
* These steps are called (SCR) Selective catalytic reaction 
* Gases and reducing gases and thermal interactions that occur between them are at a temperature of 300 degrees Maah, and then added to it with ammonia water solution (ammonium) 
* After purification, washing and filtering and the addition of catalysts and solution of ammonium interactions heat that occurred for these gases, where he graduated these gases after all these actions through the chimney gases to layer Allaf air (tropospher) is clean and non-hazardous to the environment and health [49].

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