Style used in the management and treatment of hazardous medical waste (hazardous medical waste)

Style used in the management and treatment of hazardous medical waste (hazardous medical waste), resulting from medical care, diagnosis and treatment in the University Hospital of Dusseldorf 
  Are the three main axes: 
The first axis is about managing the operations of Chapter collection, transport and storage of the interim medical waste dangerous inside the hospital, including the number of centers and departments and medical laboratories and research laboratories are many and varied, and the number of beds to more than 1,100 beds, and this means that a large number of patients and those who are asleep The visitors, in dire need of care and diagnosis And treatment of health crisis, and of course the size and quantity of medical waste generated, which many have said Top. According to statistics documented by the Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for managing the collection, transport and storage of medical waste that refers to more than 
(7272) kilograms of hazardous medical waste, produced in the centers and the different sections in a single year. In other words, the share of the bed one of those wastes mentioned above are (610.6) kg per year, and up to (550.0) kg per bed per month, up any limits (018 0.0) kg per bed per day. In the case of comparing the piece with a lot of hospitals through research and studies prove that the medical waste resulting from the Hospital of Dusseldorf university are very few compared with hospitals of many Arab countries, for example, hospitals Iraq, and Libya, including Benghazi hospitals, in particular, produces amounted to about (4303) kg of waste per day [63]. And Saudi Arabia, and Palestine, including the West Bank hospitals and the Gaza Strip produces a whole (3694) tons of medical waste per month, according to the source [30] and other Arab countries, and also to some hospitals and other African countries. The real reasons behind the piece are many, including administrative systems prevailing in the countries mentioned above, where the hospital management is weak in terms of managing the operations of separation, collection, transportation and storage of hazardous waste, in addition to the absence of environmental management system for medical waste hazardous, and the absence of laws eco-systems related to hazardous waste, and also the weakness of environmental awareness and health education, and this in turn is reflected on the policy-makers in those countries. If the gap is wide and the comparison between the large management system used in the Hospital Dusseldorf, university hospitals and countries mentioned. That's where the University of Dusseldorf Hospital administration is working within an integrated environmental management of medical wastes and administrative tasks and the functional and technical and professional services, environmental, health, financial and other. Organization and its planned carefully for each centers and departments. Accordingly, the hazardous medical waste and producing different kinds of departments and various centers have been categorized lists and numbers under each type keys, according to chemical and physical properties and biological each type separately. And oversees the administration of collection, transportation and storage of these wastes environmental protection department within the hospital, and as a result the process of classification and numbering lymphocytic Tih hazardous waste facilitates the process of separation and sorting of wastes resulting from the departments and various centers and this would reduce the size and quantity of hazardous medical waste generated, and also reduces the environmental risks The health risks of second hand. As the collection, transport and storage are in accordance with the timetable planned and according to the requirements needed, and the process of separation, collection, storage had been prepared by the Department of Environmental Protection in terms of the provision and distribution of special containers and according to sizes and quantities crisis and colors required environmentally each type of such wastes in addition to the direct contact between Kassam and only producing centers and the Department of Environmental Protection to collect, transport and storage of the waste at the point of fullness in temporary storage until the transfer. It is the elements of the success of management Hospital Dusseldorf university from other hospitals countries mentioned, a process storage provisional those wastes which are characterized by the Chamber of storage inside the Hospital of Dusseldorf in all aspects of health in terms of ventilation, lighting, cleanliness, organization and supervision, control and continuous monitoring of Ajhzhoualemaadat and measure temperatures required and the time periods planned her to the survival of the waste, according to figures for each type, including keys and grades required to heat the piece as it is clear that the necessary thermal grades ranging between (+8) - (+15) degree Maah. But at the same time there is a section of the hazardous waste under certain figures may not be an absolute storage must be transferred immediately to the final treatment (incineration). Also characterized as interior walls of the room as the temporary storage covered with plastic is very smooth, the spectrum of the inability of bacteria sticking out, and that the door to the storage room made ​​a very strong degree of closure in the case of the air can not enter into the room. As indicated case study that of the elements of the success of environmental management at the Hospital of Dusseldorf and compare with other hospitals mentioned Top, is that the process of assuming the receipt of the waste produced by the centers and the different sections and between the Department of Environmental Protection is not only accompanied by all the documents and information listed in the special forms and signed between the two parties, and this is a positive indicator for the environmental management system for hazardous medical waste to the University Hospital of Dusseldorf operations and save documents, information and records of medical waste is an integral part of the environmental management system within the Hospital of Dusseldorf. This process is no record-keeping and documentation relating to medical waste Nadero perhaps no administration hospitals countries mentioned above. As the transfer of hazardous waste stored temporarily be accompanied by special forms, as in Supplement No. (1) for each type of waste and signed between the Department of Environmental Protection and the driver responsible for the transfer of such hazardous waste by the company contracting with Hospital Dusseldorf, for the purpose of final treatment, and also that the transfer process takes place in cars Oomkpat conditioned separated and prevents the driver from friction with those of hazardous wastes, and that the driver has all the requirements necessary preventive measures in the event of a state of emergency, this process for the transfer of medical waste and these specifications listed here, and through studies and research related to medical waste does not exist anything like this in more hospitals countries mentioned above, and that most of the transportation of such wastes are in vehicles exposed and blended in more often than not with municipal waste and without mention of the importance of records and Aluta DOCUMENTS and information on the type of waste and the extent of the threat to the environment and public health. It also must be mentioned here that the process of transportation of hazardous wastes, not only by an agreement and the signing of contracts between the Hospital Dusseldorf, the university and the state of the company he was working in the area of ​​final treatment of hazardous waste (incineration), and companies are many in this Maja's working all the companies final treatment under the laws and regulations environmental aspects of their countries. This does not exist in most Arab countries, hospitals and found working without supervision and not subject to any environmental laws or regulations at all and this case is deplorable that as a result of pollution caused to the environment and public health, regrettably. 
The second axis. Discussion revolves around the final treatment of hazardous waste in one of the companies the final treatment (incineration). Kurienta a company located in the city of Leverkusen, is one of the cutting-edge companies and high-profile and well-known in all of Europe and has a good reputation in this field. This company operates like any of the other companies, under environmental laws and regulations relating to emissions targets. This company receives daily hundreds or even thousands of tons of hazardous waste from companies and labs and hospitals from different European countries and provinces of the so-intent for the purpose of processing the final. The administration of the final treatment are stages within these stages is receiving waste at the point of assembly central processing unit final which is about five sites where the receipt of hazardous waste sites carved and built of cement and a depth of 9 meters and a width of (3-4) Amtartan the ground, and in this site is the re-classification of hazardous Nfabat by chemical and physical properties of some of the materials solid, liquid and semi-solid and liquid each individually. This is done by mechanical machine-like hand, lift and movement of these wastes into the rotary kiln, how is the burning process, and what are the stages of such waste, begin the process of oxidation of hazardous wastes within the rotary kiln at high temperatures (1000 - 1200) degree Maah, fused organic chemicals dangerous in this class and transformed into materials and chemical compounds for inorganic non-hazardous and salts and water vapor and gases, where ascend gases and water vapor to the top and fall slowly waste molten with slow circulation of the cylinder internal rotary kiln to the bottom of the furnace where there is a basin of cold water and when the fall waste molten in cold water solidifies and lifted from the water by a metal strap moving and bring down the metal container outside, inner cylinder rotary kiln Multi diagonally in order to help the flow of waste molten and slowly and then fall in the basin of cold water underneath, and the degree of Malana up to (57, 1) the degree of any limits on the horizon (3%), as the number of cycles of the inner cylinder of the rotary kiln (5.0 to 3) cycle per minute, this process of rotation depends on the type of waste and their chemical properties. Rotary kiln can be treated thermally approximately 80 tons of hazardous waste a day, any that can happen as a result of the process of oxidative stress per ton of hazardous waste within the rotary kiln to configure 
(10-15%), solid waste and asphalt-like (85-90%) emitted gases and dust and impurities stuck. Also affected inner cylinder over time because of grades high thermal and chemical reactions Ktefaalat oxidation may occur operations erosion, and therefore must be maintenance operations and MRO and update some of the equipment and devices, pumps, filters and other in the future, in addition to clean the interior walls to remove the remnants of material accumulated during recesses annual up to (4) weeks only. The gases and Boukharalme spiraling into the secondary chamber where temperatures reach 1000 degrees Maah may not be coming down the stairs to the heat without (1000) degrees Maah the spectrum in order to escalate fumes and hot gases to the top. It may happen sometimes a little high temperature for the allotted under environmental laws for a period of a few very up (2) second only to help the high room temperature high and rising fumes and gases produced and transferred to the cylinder steam under pressure (41), a bar and a temperature (350-380) Maah degrees, can also be obtained (70) tons of condensed steam per hour and under the pressure of 36 bar. And can take advantage of the power of steam generated from burning at temperatures between (1000 - 1200) degree Maah, for lighting, heating and operation of equipment, machinery and equipment in the three units of any CPU final unit of burial and the unity of filtering water treatment. The gases and impurities they need to laundering operations, purification and cleaning under environmental laws and regulations, including Law No. (17) for the gases emitted to the Federal Republic of Germany, sometimes trying to devices monitoring and control of the integrity of the final treatment to cut a bit of the ratios of gases emitted from the proportions and measurements allowed them environmentally , the spectrum for the survival of an asset reserves (backup power) for the company Kurienta for final processing, in the case of an increase of the gases emitted can refer to a balance or reserve force to fill the defect and to avoid the amount of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. As for the cleaning, washing and purification of gases emitted are very necessary, this process passed through several stages, including the stage of Ash remover)) require gases at this stage to the process of washing and purification presence of water sprayed from the top and under voltage static electricity so saturated gases with water at temperatures of up to (70-80) degree Maah, any sense cooling gases and dust, and a section of the minutes and consists of some outstanding vehicles as a result of acid washing. Then continue to cross these gases and with compounds and liquids through pipelines to the centrifuge electrolysis, which is paid liquid substances and acids and dust to the top and which consists of layers of dense semi-liquid containing gas, which reacts in turn with clean water, and as a result of this interaction is washed well gases emitted with some minutes and dust containing some acidity, and continue these gases to cross on their way to come to stage other operations washing and purification at this stage is washed gases and minutes away from the dust and containing some acidity material base or alkaline, and as a result of washing reaction occurs between gases and between alkaline substances or rules consists of several gases, including sulfur oxides and some are neutral chemical substances and is also minutes wash the dust better than gases. And continue the process of crossing the gases emitted in the same direction to come to the stage of the intensification of gases and purified through filters electrical, and at this stage is to cross the gases emitted into the pillars of filters where there in the middle of these columns strong electric current which leads to adhesion minutes dust on the pillars of the fact that the outer part of these columns cold, making it easier to intensify these minutes from the dust with water vapor, and then wash the condenser minutes dust and salt materials of these columns. After phase condensation is withdrawn gases resulting from these phases and augmented by catalysts or booster of nitrogen oxides to speed up the chemical reactions that lead to the cleaning and purification of gases, and carry out the reduction of the proportion of the emission of hazardous gases, and reduced almost entirely to gas dioxin and gas furan this step interactions reductive gases emitted, called the interactions heat, which reaches the temperature where the (300) degrees Maah, and then augmented by a solution of ammonium, and after these stages and steps out gases emitted through the chimney to the layer of the atmosphere (Troposphere) cleanly and at rates less than what is provided within the measurements and proportions Almaah allowed within environmentally and environmental laws and regulations mentioned for Top Federal Republic of Germany and the gaseous emission. The gases and minute dust and dust associated ratios Almaah standard allowed for each part of the environmental laws, which are as follows: nitrogen oxides (200) mg per Mitrmkaab, sulfur dioxide (50) mg per Mitrmkaab, gas hydrogen chloride (10) mg per Mitrmkaab, oxides Carbons (50) mg per Mitrmkaab, organic carbon dust (50) mg per Mitrmkaab, minutes of airborne mercury (03 0.0) mg per Mitrmkaab, dust and dust (10) mg per Mitrmkaab. These measurements and ratios above the gases emitted and impurities associated not be exceeded at all of the year (1995 - 2008), according to Director of Planning Unit final treatment (incineration) of hazardous waste treatment, according to the curve (2) and under the source, either material salty, rules, and the water used in operations washing, cleaning and filtering gases go straight through pipes connected with the filter unit nearby water treatment for the purpose of processed and used for purposes other than drinking. 
The third axis: the debate is about how to manage the operations of the burial of the waste generated after combustion processes, management considers that the cemetery is an integral part of the administration and the burning of hazardous wastes, and that the construction and design of the landfill is within the regulations and environmental laws and under the conditions and criteria for engineering and geology of the site chosen in terms of measuring the depth of layered ground and procedures geological Survey and locate underground water reservoirs and direction of surface water and ground surface slopes classes, in addition to the official approvals by the authorities concerned in this regard. Going through the process of building the landfill several stages and the most important stage is to build a strong base is made up of several materials and specifications measured Se certain each of them such as materials of metal, sand and plastic materials, gravel and Cjarwalannagad maximum interval between aquifers so as to prevent the entry and exit of water from it and work actively and effectively to resist bacteria and chemical properties of soil and fungi . Then the second phase, which is a layer or cover interfaces and standard specifications certain consists of granules dirt and plastic materials and a dense network of fiber Sufi interlocking with each other and the soil plant blended or conjoined with basalt and functions of this cover is to protect the treated waste during burial, and also to collect and discharge rain and snow through the I Labib unit to filter and water treatment, as resistant to bacteria and chemical properties of soil. Then comes the third and final stage, a final surface cover. 
   Design and construction of this layer, or cover within the measurements and calculations of long-term is a lot of material as well, including clay soil thin sand and metal materials and plastic, and also of small stones, and the functions of this layer, or cover the final permanent is to protect the waste treatment and prevent the entry of water or contact with waste treatment and buried in this vault. Add to conduct monitoring and surveillance and tests daily for groundwater and Alstahihoakhz samples required for the purposes of examination and recorded in the records of private and maintain all documents and information relating to the type and characteristics of the waste that has been buried in this vault, any sense that the operations of the burial and final treatment of such wastes after combustion processes were under the laws and regulations environmental force of the state is safe and sound, without significant impact not only on the environment, and public health. As demonstrated by the graph of the curve (3) for the company Kurienta for final processing of the waste that the total production of any volume of work has increased by 40%, while volume decreased and Nsphalgazat emitted from the other (70-90%) from the year 
  1990 - 2006 AD, and the piece because of the novelty of the technology on the environment and according to the source. It also is based on my discussion of this on field visits numerous to work sites and direct meeting with all stakeholders in the areas of waste management of hazardous medical and departments and centers producing medical waste management department of environmental protection as a direct charge to the waste within the hospital and contact them via the Internet in addition to meeting with officials of the CPU the final and the unity of the burial of the waste at the work site through field visits frequent contact with them via the Internet, and through the guidance of a lot of questions to all stakeholders in this area and recording the answers, notes, and information about what the subject of the case study, in addition to reading a lot of sources of theoretical studies for waste medical and hazardous, and all male Top, I think reinforces my discussion and my thoughts and Trouhati about the elements of successful management of hazardous and medical waste Trbakh final treatment and burials for those treated waste in a manner safe for the environment and public health.

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