The largest ghettos and the number of Jews who have been regrouped where and eliminate them.. extermination camps Treblinka and Chelmno and Auschwitz - Birkenau and Bhiljits and Aanowska and Bialystok

Where was the largest ghettos and how much was the number of Jews who have been regrouped where and when they were eliminated? 
Ghetto was the largest in the city of Warsaw has been collected about 445 500 Jews in it. After the mass deportations big to extermination camp Treblinka in the summer of 1942 Altmurden, which occurred where in January and April 1943, was eliminated on the Warsaw Ghetto in May 1943. And the presence in the ghetto in a more than 160,000 Jews when they were assembling the Jews in it in heyday. This has been the elimination of the ghetto in stages: during the first wave of deportations to Chelmno camp in the period between the months of January and May, 1942, In many of the deportations that followed and that the transfer of Jews which primarily to the camps of extermination Chelmno and Auschwitz - Birkenau in the process of final liquidation, which took place on 30 August 1944. Was in the ghetto in Lvov assemble 110,000 Jews at his residence in November 1941. Were deported last of the remainder of a few thousands of Jews in June 1943, and after that was before migrating to other camps and extermination Bhiljits Aanowska, where killed. It was in the ghetto in Minsk assemble about 100,000 Jewish residents of the same city, towns and surrounding villages and other places of the German Reich, too. It was the elimination of the ghetto in Minsk on 21 October 1943, after most of the population of Jews killed by firing squad in "Mali Trostinetts" and "Tochenka." In the summer of 1941, the Jewish population of Vilnius and numbering about 57,000 people for the first time to a wave of mass killings and before the establishment of the ghetto in this city. In the end Gitoan held in this city: - the first for the weak and the other is for the strong. It was weak and the evacuation of the ghetto inhabitants were killed by firing squad in Bonar. It was on a number of other residents of the ghetto the same fate. And ended in a wave of mass killings in this December 1941. While the remaining Jews, numbering about 20,000 people, was set up in the ghetto until the Vilnius ghetto rebellion, which failed. Were deported thousands of the few remaining Jews to camps in Estonia on September 23, 1943. Been eliminated in the Bialystok ghetto, which was originally a compilation of about 50,000 Jews on 16 August 1943. During the liquidation process initiated by the Jewish underground resistance movement to resist the Germans in arms.
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