Causes of nail-biting.. satisfy the aggressive tendencies. Poor compatibility with emotional parents. Tension and nervous energy resulting from anxiety

Causes of nail-biting:
1) tension and nervous energy resulting from its causes many concerns, such as: raising the level of expectations of what a child can be played by parents or teachers, where fear of the child should not be able to achieve their expectations and ills seem to fear that a child is reflected in the form of tension and anxiety 
2) satisfy the aggressive tendencies. 
3) poor compatibility with emotional parents. The resort to gnawing desire for the inconvenience. As it happens installation usually practice Altakerrh With her ​​burning desire to inconvenience parents 
4) the punishment of the child to himself: Perhaps as a result of feeling indignant on himself because of his failure or dissatisfaction with what he's doing. Or because of his displeasure with the parents and not being able to discharge his anger in them Vivrgha in the same bite his nails. 
5) tradition: the existence of a model that is practiced nibbling behavior contributes not only to learn but usually nibbling Osdha to install or delays in the disposal. 
6) Some children begin biting his nails after breaking it in an attempt repairs or because of their length and lack of attention to crop them by parents. With repetition prove this habit Anybad demise of reason.
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