Imam Muhammad Abdu (1849-1905)
The second movement, which responded to the wave of Altmor crystallized in Egypt and pioneered by Mohammed Abdo. Sheikh Mohammed was born the year 1849 in the locality of the village where the gap and learn to read and write. Moved to Cairo to pursue higher collected at Al-Azhar, then earned a global appointed as an instructor at the Darul Uloom. Subscribe Orabi revolution was imprisoned three years and the right to Sheikh Jamal al-Afghani in Paris and issued a trustworthy handhold (magazine).
Returned from exile in 1888. And went to a religious renewal and reform Kalozahr religious institutions and endowments and Islamic courts. In 1899 he took Ifta in Egypt, and became close links to Lord Cromer, the British High Commissioner. Mohammed Abdo was seeking to establish an ideal society, a society in which the mind and the law, and the Muslim mind that governs in the affairs of life and religion. Imam Abdul died Mamedh Year: 1905.