Prevention of sucking fingers.. use nipple with a narrow opening. Delay weaning the child from the breast and bottle

1) give a popsicle as an alternative to the saturation of absorption desire of the child because the child will take off automatically when the third popsicle. With child protection from damage caused by sucking the finger. Note that with the new popsicles are designed in a manner suitable for the palate and the mother's breast-like shape when it is in the child's mouth with this Kdrhha to correct some of the distortions resulting from the oral sucking finger. 
2) overlooked in some cases: suck some pre-school children their thumbs in specific situations, such as shyness, psychological disturbance, fatigue or sleepiness, but they drop out when they reach the age of four. So parents have to take things simply do not rock the boat may push the child to stick to this habit. 
3) prolong the duration of breast-feeding: So Aimits baby finger after the end of lactation in several ways, including:
1 - The use of teat with a narrow opening.
2 - Make a breastfeeding period of relaxation for the mother and the child goes on the mouse breast. 
3 - Do not lengthen the period between feeds. 
4 - delay weaning the child from the breast and bottle. 
4) Provide Security: The greater the child's sense of security whenever I need to search for it finds comfort in sucking. So you must search for the sources of tension in the child Kalassaobac school or make other home environment dominated by safety and comfort of familiarity between everyone Venbad Ajabia sources of anxiety and stress that may lead to suck the finger.

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