1) the strong tendency to suck when the young since they were embryos in the wombs of their mothers (why?).
2) because they find the comfort and convenience, safety and a sense of warmth and relaxation and guide Scott child with a pacifier when afraid or Anas or go hungry. Therefore, this behavior stops gradually with the growth of the child and you know the other sources of fun.
4) Insufficient or regulation or food deprivation of breastfeeding or bottle or even a mere denial of pacifier sucking their fingers to push them.
5) Failure to satisfy the psychological needs: such as love or affection tenderness he is not getting enough of breastfeeding, which gives him what he needs love and compassion, and safety.
6) Traffic difficult times: such as threats to secede from the mother or punishment or a feeling or a sense of disappointment please weak or unable to keep up with colleagues or ostracism or even just a concern for the near exams or anxiety resulting from the inability to compatibility with around him.
7) venting excess energies: it's a desire to exchange energy and venting about boredom.
8) the short duration of breast-feeding: Because the wheel of the large size of the mother or the slot popsicle.
9) preventing the child from the use of a pacifier.
Mullah moment: Some recent studies have shown that children who suck their fingers are less anxious and less troublesome than others emotionally.
Sucking fingers