Treatment of nail-biting.. stay away from the ongoing Thrills and provide calm, comfort and relaxation in domestic air

1) lack of reprimands and rebukes: because it makes the habit worsen and take root and make the child feel ashamed that cause him stress and persistence in Fingernail biting. 
2) Nail-you-go and not leave it goes does not give the child the opportunity to claimed by. 
3) removal of the child from continuing Thrills: because they cause tension so you must provide calm, comfort and relaxation in the air domestic help to overcome this habit. It also must be wary of over-loaded or control of the child or school requirements and duties of the home is greater than its potential. 
4) a discussion of the child: If the child is able to assimilation parents discuss the disadvantages of this habit with the baby and I caused the wounds and Ochoh fingers and cause disapproval people .. in order to increase motivation of the child to overcome this habit. 
5) Date: since the seventh or eighth impossible for us to record the number of times that They have cut off the nails. It can also record the work that was practiced by the child before the loan and the conditions in which it was like watching TV. Doing so can avoid these actions and attitudes even controls the child and his actions controlled studies have shown that the mere recording of abnormal behavior helps to get rid of it. It increases the awareness of the child and his behavior is governed in his actions, and parents can help the child if it was small. 
6) reward: After registration if it is found that the child is biting, for example, five times a day, parents should draw up in front of the child target and hiding the child as if biting per day less than five times he may award a penalty to achieve this goal and can be added bonus weekly, such as going to a picnic if collection of a number of points. 
While not neglecting Praise the child for his achievements. Because some parents tend to focus on the negative aspects. 
It must arouse the interest of the child and that the subject by asking about the type of gift, however should not expect a child to accomplish great strides. 
7) punishment: Ohz in the case if the child was conscious and helpful and willing to get rid of his problem, the conjugation punishment reward is very useful. And the penalty to be imposed during the nibbling most of which predicted after nibbling. Another form of sanctions is to pull on his hand and a rubber band whenever biting grabbing more so that it becomes painful to him. The types of sanctions deprive the child from watching television or pay a fine. 
8) Training conscious: that directs the child is doing another whenever I feel the desire to biting his nails because it will not as long as nibbles his fingernails do this job. The types of business proven that the person clicks his fingers on the rough surface or swim or Bmsobhh Onicv finger idly Mada his arms on his side to be tired. School children and kissed dough, clay, clay and sand and water games where completion and termination Mitalb him even Enzakhy and leaves work. 
These activities are considered better than fat fingers materials or use foul gloves or nails Industrial 
9) Check useful phrases: such as "I will not gnaw my nails," and heard by the child several times during the day and before going to sleep and during.

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