Tumors of the stomach.. chronic peptic ulcers. Block sprouts prominent towards the lumen of the stomach. Pallor, wasting and low weight. Severe bleeding in the stomach

Malignant tumors of the stomach is exposed to infection malignant tumors by several factors make it easier to occur, such as:
- Gastric adenoma.
- Blood group A.
- Eating certain foods.
- Chronic peptic ulcer.

It appears in the form of a tumor mass sprouts prominent towards the stomach lumen.


- Not wanting to eat.
- Pallor, wasting and low weight.
- Difficulty in digestion and vague abdominal pain.
- Vomiting and burp.
- Severe bleeding in the stomach.

This disease can be diagnosed early if the patient did not neglect the initial symptoms as treatment becomes difficult when deepening.


Can resort to treatment or X-Chemical or surgical treatment because surgeons excised with the entire stomach, spleen and lymph vessels accompanying her.

Non-malignant tumors:

Become non-malignant stomach tumors doctors offer or through what caused the hemorrhage address all surgical treatment can be cured completely after that.
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