Financial and economic objectives of the tax system to achieve economic stability.. away from the cases of inflation and deflation

Financial year goal:
The general budget and the budget is the traditional goal.
Economic goal of the year:
That the tax in accordance with contemporary thought that the financial impact on income and savings and investment and thus the tax could play an important role in:
* Access to the economic stability of the cases away from inflation and deflation In the first absorb the surplus of money I have people through tax or vice versa in the case of deflation tax rate goes down and expanding exemptions to gain access to the full employment level.
* To encourage investments in the industrial and agricultural projects to be upgraded through the reduction of the tax rate or exempt the owners of these projects from paying tax on corporate profits from the beginning of the first three years of activity.
* To encourage investments in the industrial and agricultural projects to be upgraded through the reduction of the tax rate or exempt the owners of these projects from paying tax on corporate profits from the beginning of the first three years of activity.
* Use the tax as an instrument of economic guidance by minimizing or excessive tax rate by sectors that you want to encourage the state or withdrawn.
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