Anti-Semitism in Germany and Austria.. reduce the rights of Jews and the abolition of their right to vote and ban the entry of Jews outside Germany and restrictions very harsh on the rights of Jews

Germany is considered the cradle of anti-Semitic movement, which first appeared in the form of a political party, after a short period of consolidation at the hands of Bismarck in the seventies. The motive for the emergence of economic and cultural superiority to which the Jews and that has raised against them all the aristocratic classes and class employees and self-employed and in particular the petty bourgeoisie that the erosion of its position thanks to the establishment of large factories have had. He attributed this to the Jews spread across the waves of hatred against them in all parts of Germany and Austria. Wilhelm was founded in 1878: "league of anti-Semitism," which set itself the goal is: to prevent the appointment of Jews in government jobs or lecturers at universities.
As for the Jews who confessed thanks to liberal movements in support for the liberation and equal rights have joined the ranks and became very active within it. Many Jews have been known for their activity among political liberals. But German Chancellor Bismarck was in a feud with liberals to face that his hatred for Jews shares.
In this period, the campus Jewish soldier of progress in the hierarchy of military ranks and shut the door of the Ministry of Justice and judicial positions in the face of the Jews and banned the Ministry of Education hired as teachers and university professors from the campus of the Jews get a degree professor and froze Jews degrees in government jobs.
In 1881 made a "league of anti-Semitism," a petition to parliament calling for the reduced rights of Jews and the abolition of their right to vote and ban the entry of Jews outside of Germany was signed on this broad four million German and in 1882 held in Dresden anti-Semitic First International Conference came resolutions calling for the imposition of restrictions in the very intensity on the rights of Jews. Jews commented hopes for the Kaiser Frederick III liberal and a known opponent of the Lasamyh But his rule did not take long for more than three months either his successor, Wilhelm II, who in the equality of all citizens has taken no action against Allasamyin Among the most prominent leaders of anti-Semitism in Germany: Adolf Steikr. Heinrich Trajtchke. Austin Tchembrln.
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