Austen Chamberlain.. ester Solimosze slaughtered by the Jews. Jewish butcher Adolf Boshoff killed a Christian boy for religious purposes

Austen Chamberlain: in Austria was the leader of the movement of anti-Semitism head of Germany's University bloc in the Reichstag (Parliament) in Vienna has had an impact on his ideas of anti-Semitism on his student lawyer Lugar and Hitler Among the most prominent manifestations of anti-Semitism in Austria blood libel Tish-Assler In 1882 disappeared in the town Hungarian ( Tish-Assler) Christian girl has ester Solimosze son mattress synagogue that 12-year-old testified that he saw through the eye of the synagogue lock How slaughtered the girl was arrested community leaders, but the court acquitted. In 1891 he accused the Jewish butcher Adolf Boshoff he was a Christian boy killed for religious purposes, but the court acquitted him and contrast in 1901 was sentenced to death on the Jewish Alkndrgi Helsnr because of religious killed in the city of Bulena in Bohemia (Czech Republic), but the Tsar replaced the death sentence to life imprisonment has been released Only in 1918 after serving 19 years in prison.
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