Canadian Immigration Act 1976.. cases of foreigners who violate health and safety conditions Statistics deportation

Canadian Immigration Act 1976, is a law passed by the Canadian Parliament in 1978 and deals with the controls that control who can enter Canada and who should not keep him out of Canada.

Law became effective in 1978, the same time as the new immigration mechanisms came into force.

According to this law, it became wider powers to the provinces in determining the immigration laws that define these rules prevent the entry of Alahg in what is known as the "Forbidden Alvilt" (Prohibited class).

And it explained that the law does not allow them to enter the country based on vulnerable groups, such as people may be a burden on the country's security or social security or health services, rather than identifying specific people such as homosexuals or the disabled and so on.

Also add new categories of those who are entitled to access, such as refugees, families, relatives need help independent and migrants.

Immigrants to undergo independent system blobs while other categories by simple conditions relating to Bsgelhm justice, security and health without being subject to examination blobs are met.

Law also created solutions for cases of foreigners who violate health and safety conditions Statistics deportation.

This law was replaced in 2002 Immigration and Refugee Protection Law (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which abbreviated b (IRPA).
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