Deportation of the Jews of Warsaw district to Treblinka killing center.. forcing evacuees to go to the tape and related Oomhlajplatz Arsofia- Malkinaa Railway

July 22, 1942. Deportation of the Jews of Warsaw district to Treblinka killing center
In the period between July 22 and mid-September of 1942, more than 300,000 people from the Warsaw ghetto deportation: More than 250,000 people were deported to Treblinka killing center. The deportees were forced to go to Oomhlajplatz (relay) point, related to the tape Warsaw-Malkinaa Railway. They were mobilized in shipping vehicles and deported most of them, across Malkinaa, to Treblinka. The vast majority of them were killed upon arrival in Treblinka. In September, at the end of the mass deportation of operations in 1942, only about 55 000 Jews remained in the ghetto.
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