Economic, political and military dependence on third world countries.. technological backwardness and lack of funds underdeveloped countries and the heads of the urgent need to maintain national security

1 / political dependency: represented in the major colonial powers to link its colonies out of unfair clauses keeps the interests of those colonial powers in their colonies even after autonomy agreements, and that these colonial powers keen to measure assassinations and coups national leaders in order to dislodge and install a pro Systems her example what Patrice Lumumba, Congo and Anwar Mossadegh in Iran did.
2 / economic dependency: resulted from technological backwardness and lack of funds underdeveloped countries which heads displayed for bargains and conditions by the socialist and capitalist camps States.
3 / military dependency: the urgent need imposed by the states to maintain national security to buy the latest weapons and the latest military inventions which the major countries and companies have found an opportunity to tighten its grip on the military backward.
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