Get the first home of the new immigrants to Canada.. appropriateness number of rooms in the dwelling with family size considerations pertaining to security and safety. Prove the work of a Canadian company

New immigrant to Canada often have home first home or a rented apartment, and here lies the dilemma Home, Many real estate companies impose on requests sometimes incapacitating such as proof of the work of a Canadian company new immigrants, which is difficult for many immigrants who did not get jobs.. and after these things, find some of the solutions in the guide «Canada 2003».

Perhaps a lot of immigrants heard about the housing supported by the government through some non-profit organizations, which may be houses or flats linked to the value of lease income level Geared to Income, if income rose, rose rent, and if income fell, the rent fell.

The difficulty of getting these homes in the waiting list is very long while the provision of quotas for new immigrants from such housing, the waiting period may be up to 3 years or more.

There are several controls must be taken into account when searching for housing, including: suitability of number of rooms in the dwelling with family size to considerations of safety and security, the services available with Almenzln and fit with the needs of the family home.

As is the case in most countries of the world, it consumes the highest percentage of the rental income, and can be more than 50 percent of income.

And the difference in rent dating back to several reasons, including: the building site, cleanliness of the building, his youth, and services available with the lease, and the breadth of the living room, lounge and kitchen.
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