Joseph Goebbels calls for an attacking them racist against Jews and the destruction of their homes and businesses and the role of their own worship and to send tens of thousands of them to concentration camps

November 1938 9. Joseph Goebbels calls for an elemental
Made propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, the German speech excited about anti-Semitism in front of the faithful of the Nazi party in Munich. Party members gathered in the memory of the Nazi's failed coup attempt in 1923 (the first attempt to Adolf Hitler to seize power). After the speech, Nazi officials ordered Storm Troopers (private army) and other party formations to attack Jews and the destruction of their homes and businesses and the role of their own worship. And continued aggression against the Jews until the early hours of the morning on November 10, and I knew this night later as the Kristallnacht - the "Night of Broken Glass". Scores of Jews died were arrested tens of thousands and sent to concentration camps.
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