Manifestations of anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe and storms in the Negev.. prevent Jews from living and working in the areas of trade outside the new Russia and the wrath of the religious Orthodox institution

Until the mid-18th century, the number of Jews in Russia a little bit. Taking the number growing, since the era of Czarina Catherine II, and especially after the partition of Poland between Russia, Prussia and Austria, where Russia got the lion's share. In 1791 it was ordered to prevent Jews living and working in the trade outside the new regions of Russia occupied by Katrina II regions which allowed the Jews to housing which they were invited scale housing included the scope of housing areas housing the Jews in Poland before the divided sparsely populated areas in the south of Russia, which wanted Tsar area resettlement at all costs, even to the Jews. It extended the scope of the residential area of ​​the Baltic Sea in the north along the western border of the Russian Empire, which reached an area of ​​about one million km2.
At the end of the 19th century the number of Jews living in the scope of housing about 5 million Jews stood at the equivalent of 90% of the Jews of Russia The most important development in the life of Jews in Russia large influx towards the big and small cities and towns In 1900 housing about 80% of the Jews of Russia in cities . In certain areas of the Jews form the majority of the population of these cities and in many towns was almost the entire population of Jews.
In terms of economic Aatah Jews from the provision of services to the people of the neighboring villages also they were used by nobles in their land management and formed a Jewish town, a center of trade and craft works of the surrounding area with all this Jewish town lived a full Jewish life. Jews in Russia has maintained its traditional isolation from the world non-Jew and did not leak them, update and trendy ideas. In the second half of the 19th century building of the traditional life of the Jewish community, especially the Jewish town began Atdeda Valthadit (especially reforms of Tsar Alexander II and the penetration of capitalism into the town Judaism) spent some Jewish professions and in some other professions that have worked for them by the competitors. Adding to weakness in the Jewish town at the end of the 19th century, waves of migration to large cities or to the West. Thus Jews moved business center of Jewish towns to the big cities. In big cities there has been a substantial change in the work of Jews as in the past. And crystallized within the Jewish community distinct layers: the proletarian bourgeois capitalism and industrial.
 In Russia as in the West, and to a lesser but entrepreneurs, Jews played a major role in the establishment of banks to extend railways and the development of industry. Hundreds of thousands of Jews who migrated to the cities have worked in the industry. But culturally it has crystallized for the first time Jewish culture secular and large cities in Tsarist Russia (such as Petersburg, Odessa, Warsaw) turned into cultural centers active has artists and men of the theater and Asahafiyon contributed to the creation of a rich and varied culture and since the 80 years of the 19th century began issued Jewish newspapers in Eastern Europe Stories Shalom Alikhm the first I've printed in 1881 and published in the weekly magazine issued Pallaidash In Petersburg newspaper Today newspaper first published in Hebrew were Jewish culture in every sense of the word were I expressed the Jewish national Amani also expressed other cultures for national aspirations Kalpolndeh and Russian culture was also the culture secular in every sense of the word, and which characterized this culture it was a triangular Language Valmqalat published in Hebrew and Pallaidash and in the local language (Russian-Polish-German) and sometimes they publish all the articles in three languages. It faced a small class of intellectuals double opposition at home angered the Orthodox religious establishment and abroad has become a strengthened anti-Semitism that prevailed among the people and among conservative circles in the Russian authorities.
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