Manifestations of anti-Semitism in France, the Dreyfus affair.. the reason for the defeat of France in the war against Germany goes back to the conspiracy and breach of Jews

Strange spread of anti-Semitism in eighty years in France, which was the first to grant equal rights to the Jews and that the Jews form less than half a percent, and to a large extent integrated into French society. Can understand the spread of anti-Semitism in France on the back of a defeat in 1870 against Germany, Tamer reactionary classes (from monarchists and aristocracy) against the Third Republic, which was formed from the left-wing and Allperalah and because of the presence of Jews among the liberal leaders of the elements, concentrating reactionary its shares on the Jews and raised Jewish logo is the enemy and claimed that the reason for defeat France in the war back to the conspiracy and breach of Jews and took this as an excuse to stir up the spirit of hate them Add to that the bankruptcy of the Catholic Bank tragic loss suffered by the children of the reactionary classes because of it and accusing Rothschild family it from behind it and finally bankruptcy Panama company-backed government, which has proven to be supported against the to obtain a bribe. The success in making the issue of Panama Jewish issue goes back to a single anti-Semitic leaders in France journalist Edward Dereymon in his book, which he published under the name of France, the Jewish year 1886, which included a historical overview of the role played by Jews in the country, attributing to them all the calamities that befell them and then founded the organization of anti-Semitism nationalism in France and then issued a daily called "free-up" which the organization began to publish propaganda against the Jews newspaper. The main issue exploited by anti-Semites to achieve their goals was the Dreyfus affair in 1894 accused the Jewish artillery officer individual Dreyfus of treason were found military documents held by the German military attache in Paris Messages handwriting looks like the officer Dreyfus line and in a humiliating ceremony in the presence of hundreds of soldiers and to the sound of trumpets deposed Order Dreyfuss Military dated July 5, 1885 and rips medals ranks for his coat and broke his sword over his head and set off outcries from the audience Death to the Jew traitor either Dreyfus has confirmed his patriotism in another way. In the moment in which the audience was shouting it spits France live. Dreyfus denied to French Guana Island. But the owners of conscience in France never left the case without indifference Many of the senior scientists, writers and politicians have made their efforts to cleanse the Dreyfuss name has finally proved that the documents were not Dreyfuss line, but false, Major Esterhazy, an officer out of Hungarian in the French command and had worked in the service German intelligence and returned the case to put before a secret military court acquitted him of all charges in the meanwhile erupted disturbances against the Jews of Algeria, who announced them since 1870 as people with full rights Kalmoatunain French and that was thanks to the efforts and the efforts of the lawyer Adolf Krmiyet one Jewish leaders and who served as Minister of Justice in France later known as the French writer Emile Zola publication of an open letter to President of the Republic under the title "I am accused of" .athm the Esterhazy counterfeiting message Zola was tried on this mission was sentenced to one year and pay high fine was forced to flee to England. France was divided after that to the one two camps along Dreyfuss and the other against him was Gen. Henry Junior High French Command extra work falsification of help to condemn Dreyfus discovered his committed suicide in 1898 and when the referee took over the government of the liberal re-discuss the issue of new and re-Dreyfus to France and was sentenced by the military court This time in prison for 10 years in spite of escape Esterhazy to London and revealed the truth there, and after the end of the trial to grant President pardon to Dreyfus. But the decision was canceled in 1906 and demanded Dreyfus of his rehabilitation and his appointment Megera in senior leadership also awarded the Order of superiority battalion of honor and after a long time after the the end of the Dreyfus affair shouted the former military security attache in France on his deathbed after he alerted his conscience in such critical moments, "Dreyfus was innocent Dreyfus was innocent."
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